«Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta»<br>«Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University» Isu - «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta»<br>«Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University»

«Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta»
«Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University»

Seriya «Geoarcheologiya. Etnologiya. Antropologiya»
«Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series»

Author guidelines

  1. A manuscript in Russian or in English should be presented both in electronic form at the editorial office of the journal: izvestia_geoarh@isu.ru and printed in 2 copies signed by the author at 664003, Irkutsk, Karl Marx st.,1 Irkutsk State University, Faculty of History, the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Geoarcheologiya. Etnologiya. Antropologiya» («Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series»).
  2. The author/authors' profile (in Russian and in English) that includes name, surname and patronymic, place of work, position, academic degree and title, email and phone numbers (office, home, cell phone) and a contract (choose for a single author or a group of authors) should be attached to the manuscript.
  3. We accept the articles about every branch of the world archaeology, ethnography, anthropology, geoarchaeology and also related sciences that present the last achievements of the interdisciplinary research according to the headings of journal: “Archeology”, “Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology”, “Geomorphology and Evolutionary Geography”. Basic requirements for the article are relevance, high scientific level, good writing style. Each article should begin with a statement of a scientific problem (relevance of the study, its novelty and significance, nature of sources and materials, purposes and objectives; if necessary, methods, chronological and territorial limits, as well as other things that characterize the work can be mentioned). The article should have the main part (description, analysis and interpretation of sources and materials, other information) and the conclusion (results, conclusions). Sections are marked with the subheading.
  4. Already published articles as well as sent for being published in other magazines are not allowed. The author is responsible for the content and undertakes that the given text is the final version, contains reliable information concerning the results of the study and does not require modifications.
  5. One magazine can contain not more than three works of one author including co-authorship.
  6. Peer review papers is carried by the Editorial Board involving the recognized experts who have publications in the relevant scientific area during last 3 years. The decision to publish is taken by the Editorial Board on basis these reviews.
  7. The editors do not accept works with deviations from these rules.
  8. In case the article doesn't suit for publication, the author gets a reasonable refusal. Not accepted manuscripts are not to be returned.
  9. Proofreading can not be sent to the author, the editors use author's original version for further verification.
  10. No publication fee.
  11. Requirements for bibliography, style and illustrations.
    1. One article should not exceed one printed sheet (40,000 characters) including references and illustrations (one illustration 148x210mm is equal to 1/10 of printed sheet or to 4,000 characters). The volume of reviews, messages and other materials is up to 0,5 of printed sheet (20,000 characters). In case of exceeding these volumes, the article can be published with an additional resolution of the editorial board.
    2. Publication materials (main text, references, tables and figure captions) are submitted electronically in MS Word form as a printout of A4 sheet (210x297mm). Type size – 14, font – Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. It's highly recommended to avoid italics, bold or underlined. Do not use tabs or forced division of words. It is allowed to use tables, graphs and charts in MS Words/Excel (source materials should be applied in this case).
    3. Pages of the manuscript should be numbered.
    4. UDC, information (type size 12) on author's name, workplace, institution, email, publication title, abstract (12-15 sentences of type size 12) and keywords (not more than 15) are presented by the example.

      Followed by:
      • Text of the article;
      • References;
      • Authors' names in Russian;
      • Author's translation in Russian of the title;
      • Extended abstract in Russian (not less than 1,000 characters) including summary, analysis, discussion and main conclusions;
      • Keywords in Russian;
      • Captions;
      • List of abbreviation.
    5. References are made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules”. The list, including electronic publications, is formed in alphabetical order without numbering(by first, when coincident by second etc. letters of authors' names or titles where surnames are not provided; when repeating authors' names – by the year of publication; with the presence of co-authors – by the first letters of the next surnames). Authors' surnames (including initials) or the first word of the title (if the surname is not provided) are highlighted in italics. For monographic publications (including reports) one should indicate the total number of pages, for articles – serial number of first and last pages. Example.

      References to the used sources are enclosed to square brackets: [Молодин, 2007, с. 86], [Бердникова, Воробьева, Бердников, 2008]. If there more than three authors, a short form (2-3 words) of the title should be written: [Результаты спасательных работ…, 2010], [Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers…, 2010, p. 45]. In case of identical authors' names and years of publication in the reference list and bibliography, a letter (a,b,c...) is added to the year of publication. The article can include the links to the abstracts of dissertations and dissertations themselves. Works with no references are not included. Image links are placed in parentheses (Fig. 1). If there's a need to specify several illustrations, they are marked in a following way: (Fig. 2,5, 7-9); if necessary to refer to more than one picture – (Fig.3,4,9; 4,3,5-8). Spreadsheets should have titles and numbers. Spreadsheets links are placed in parentheses (Table 1; Table 3-5).
    6. Text of the article, references, figure captions should follow the rules: centuries and millennium are designated by Roman numbers, use of abbreviations like «VII century BC», «70s of XVII century», «km», «m», «cm», «mm».
    7. Illustrations (diagrams, charts, photos, drawings) are not included in the text but presented as separate files in JPEG or TIFF formats of at least 300 dpi resolution. Most explanations should be removed from the illustration surface and placed in the capture signature. Do not place already published drawings and photos (including catalogs, guides) in Russia or abroad. Such publications can have a reference in the text and can be included in the bibliography. In case of a special need such drawings can be a part of an illustration with the obligatory link to the source but the final decision is up to the editors. When placing objects from the museums collections, each of them should be specified and have a storage number or showcase's number. The names of the museums should be given in accordance with their full official names.
  12. Presentation of the article to the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Geoarcheologiya. Etnologiya. Antropologiya» («Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series») means your agreement with these terms and rules, agreement for its full version's Internet publication on the official Scientific Electronic Library website (www.elibrary.ru), in a section of Irkutsk State University site (isu.ru/en), «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta» (http://isu.ru/en/research/izvestia/index.html) as well as using personal data in the public domain.