«Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta»
«The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University»
Seriya «Nauki o Zemle»
Series «Earth Sciences»
- Author agreement (for a single author or a group of authors)
Author guidelines
1. Manuscript (in accordance with the codes of scientific specialties from the group of 25.00.00 nomenclature of scientific specialties, for which academic degrees are conferred) submitted in Russian or English to the Editorial Bord:
- E-copy to e-mail: arg@math.isu.ru, dekanat@geogr.isu.ru
- Printed – in 2 copies with the signature of the author(s): Irkutsk, 664003, Karl Marx str., 1, Irkutsk State University, the Faculty of Geography, the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Nauki o Zemle» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Earth Sciences»)
Authors are advised to familiarize themselves with the list of scientific specialties on the site of the journal and determine how the proposed subject meets the direction of the journal. The code of a scientific specialty should be indicated at the end of the article (after the information about the authors).
2. Enclosures
2.1. Expert Report on possibility of paper open publication (2 copies), signed by the Rector (Director) or Vice-Rector (Deputy Director) and certified by the official stamp of the institution; If the authors are from different organizations, the document is draw up separately by each organization. Documents can not be signed by the heads, if they are the authors.
2.2. Extract of the department or laboratory (confirming that scientific research is original, has not previously been published and has not been sent to another edition), signed by the Head or Deputy of this department and by the secretary (2 copies). Signatures of persons must be certified in the staff office of the institution. If the authors are from different laboratories or departments, the document is draw up separately by each organization. Documents can not be signed by the heads, if they are the authors.
2.3. Author’s Agreement (1 copy).
3. The structure of the article
3.1. Universal Decimal Classification – the index should reflect the content of the article and the region under consideration (if such is mentioned in the article).
3.2. Title of the paper – no more than 12 words.
3.3. Names of the authors.
3.4. Workplace of the authors. If all authors work in the same institution, then after the list of their names, the institution is indicated once. If authors from different institutions, then after each name the name of the institution is indicated.
3.5. Abstract – 150-250 words, references to literature, figures, tables are not allowed.
3.6. Keywords – 5-6 words or phrases (no more than 3 words).
3.7. The text of the paper should have an internal subject headings (subtitles are acceptable), for example: introduction, literature review, materials used, research methods, results, conclusions, gratitude (if necessary).
3.8. Reference list in Russian, made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation» in alphabetical order. If there is a DOI index, then it must be specified. Each source listed on the reference list must have a link in the text. The allowed number of links is 15-40. Self-citation - no more than 10%. References to foreign sources - at least 50%. Theses and materials of correspondence conferences is not allowed to include in the reference list, as well as documents (orders, government standards (GOST), Sanitary Rules and Regulations (SanPiN), standards, laws, guidelines, regulations, resolutions). References to these documents should be placed in footnotes. For all sources, you must specify: city, publisher, year of publication, volume and page number (if any).
3.9. Below in English there are: title; last and first names of authors; extended abstract, which is not a complete copy of the Russian one (it should briefly reflect the full scheme of the article with the conclusions, references to literature, figures, tables are not allowed); key words, reference list in the Roman alphabet, and complete information about authors in two columns: the left one in Russian, the right one in English.
3.10. References should be made in an order identical to the list of literature in Russian. Online service - "Translit in Russian" (http://translit.net) is recommended to use, where you need to choose the option of transliteration BSI.
References should be given in accordance with the following rules:
For edition
Author (transliteration). Title (transliteration) [Translation of the title into English]. City (in English), Publishing office (add for each source Publ.), year, length (р.). DOI (if any). (in Russian).
Afanasiev A.N. Vodnye resursy i vodnyi balans basseina ozera Baikal [Water Resources and Water Balance of the Lake Baikal Basin]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1976, 238 p. (in Russian)
Korytnyi L.M. (ed.). Gidroklimaticheskie issledovaniya Baikal'skoi prirodnoi territorii [Hydroclimatic studies of the Baikal natural territory]. Novosibirsk, GEO Publ., 2013, 186 p. (in Russian)
Korytnyj L.M. Gidrograficheskie kharakteristiki stroeniya rechnykh sistem Verkhnego Eniseya [Hydrographical characteristics of the structure of the river systems of the Upper Yenisei]. Klimat i vody Sibiri [Climate and Waters of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1980, pp. 160-175. (in Russian)
Korytnyi L.M. (ed.). Gidroklimaticheskie issledovaniya Baikal'skoi prirodnoi territorii [Hydroclimatic studies of the Baikal natural territory]. Novosibirsk, GEO Publ., 2013, 186 p. (in Russian)
Korytnyj L.M. Gidrograficheskie kharakteristiki stroeniya rechnykh sistem Verkhnego Eniseya [Hydrographical characteristics of the structure of the river systems of the Upper Yenisei]. Klimat i vody Sibiri [Climate and Waters of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1980, pp. 160-175. (in Russian)
For article
Author (transliteration), title(transliteration) [Translation of the title into English]. Source (transliteration) [Translation of source into English or official translation from the journal website], year, volume (vol.), number (no.), page range (pp.). DOI (if any). (in Russian).
Zolotokrylin A.N., Titkova T.B., Cherenkova Ye.A.,Vinogradova V.V. Sravnitel'nye issledovaniya zasukh 2010 i 2012 g. na evropeiskoi territorii Rossii po meteorologicheskim MODIS dannym [Comparative Studies of Droughts of 2010 and 2012 on the European Territory of Russia on Meteorological MODIS Data]. Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa [Current Problems in Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space]. 2013, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 245-253. (in Russian)
DOI of the article can be specified as a hyperlink URL.
For articles published in English, transliteration is not required. For example:
Lau K.M., Kim K.M., Hsu C.N., Holben B.N. Рossible influences of air pollution, dust- and sandstorms on the Indian monsoon. WMO Bulletin, 2009, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 22-30.
GPS Navigator Garmin Dakota 20. URL: https://www.garmin.ru/portativnye-turisticheskie-navigatory-cat/dakota-20.html.
GPS Navigator Garmin Dakota 20. URL: https://www.garmin.ru/portativnye-turisticheskie-navigatory-cat/dakota-20.html.
Complete information about the authors should reflect: name, patronymic, surname, academic degree, academic title, position, workplace, work address, office phone, e-mail. In English, the address of the workplace must be specified after the Russian Federation index.
4. The layout of the material
4.1. The article – without abstract, reference list and information about authors - 7-15 pages.
4.2. The text – in the Word editor (file extensions doc, docx), font Times New Roman.
4.3. Page margins – 2.5 cm on all sides. Portrait layout. Line style – 1.0. Identation – 1.25.
4.4. The font for the title of the article is 14, bold straight; for the last name- 12, straight; for institutions - 11, italics; for the abstract and key words - 11, straight; text article and subheadings - 12, straight.
4.5. In the text of the article, bibliographic references are given in square brackets: one author – [Black, 2015], two authors – [Black, Nordy, 2013], three authors – [Knowles, Dettinger, Cayan, 2006], more than three authors - the first three words of the source title [North Atlantic Oscillation … , 2005].
4.6. The title of the article is centered, all other headings are on the left, the inscription is bold.
4.7. Hyphenless in header are not allowed. It is not recommended to remove prepositions from words when they are transferred to another line. Similar guidelines for table titles and figure titles.
4.8. Tables and figures are inserted into the text, besides each figure is given as a separate file in * .TIFF, * .JPEG, * .GIF with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
In the tables, font reduction is allowed. If the figures and tables are borrowed, then it is necessary to indicate the source below the tables and figures. The maximum number of figures is 5. All figures and tables have consecutive numbering.
5. Additional Information
5.1. The Editor Board of the journal conducts paper review attracting the leading experts in the related area. The Editorial Board decides to publish the paper on the basis of the review.
5.2. The editors provide the authors with copies of reviews, but without the reviewer's signature, name, position, and workplace. In case of rejection of the article, the editorial board sends to the author a reasoned refusal to publish.
5.3. Manuscripts, which were not accepted for publication are not returned.
5.4. The author shall be responsible for the content and style of the work, the quality of translation of the abstract.
5.5. The date of receipt of the article in the editorial office is the time when it comes in with the fully executed requirements for layout.
5.6. The journal is published 4 times a year at the end of each quarter.
5.7. Manuscripts can be submitted daily.
5.8. Articles are published for free.
Submission of an article by the author (authors) to the Editorial Board of the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Nauki o Zemle» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Earth Sciences») means acceptance of the above guidelines, consent to publication of the full version of the paper on the Internet in the public domain and using personal data in the press.
As a sample of layout, you can look into the current issue of the journal.