Author guidelines, series «PSYCHOLOGY» Isu - Author guidelines, series «PSYCHOLOGY»

Author guidelines, series «PSYCHOLOGY»

Author guidelines for the papers submitted to the journal
«Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Psichologiya»
(«The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Psychology»)


The journal accepts for consideration the articles which satisfy the following requirements:
  1. All materials shall be original work, not published earlier in other issues, and not accepted for consideration  in other issues.
  2. The article shall be signed by the author or all co-authors.
  3. The requirements (guidelines) for  publication of the papers are: topicality, high scientific level, good style. Materials shall correspond the journal subject area, presenting the interest by their novelty, scientific and practical value. The volume of an article shall not extend  40,000 symbols with spaces  (15-20 pages) including pictures, tables, schemes, photos, list of references mentioned, etc. Short reports shall not extend 0.3 (5-6 pages).
  4. Manuscript submitted in Russian or English to the Editorial Bord:
    • E-copy to e-mail:
    • Printed – in 2 copies with the signature of the author(s): 6640025, Irkutsk, Chkalov str., 2, Psychological faculty, room 407
  1. Components of the article:
    • author’s biographical notes should be also attached including: name and surname, place of work, position, department, name of institution, full postal address and email address, phone number for each author;
    • author agreement (for a single author or a group of authors).
  2. Te sequence of material:
    • Universal Decimal Classification UDC (left top corner);
    • Author' surname(s) and initials. Workplaceof the authors. If all authors work in the same institution, then after the list of their names, the institution is indicated once. If authors from different institutions, then after each name the name of the institution is indicated.
    • Abstract  in Russian with key-words in Russian. Abstract: from 750 to 800 characters without spaces (about 120 words). The abstract should outline the problem, basic conclusions and results, no references to literature, figures, tables are allowed
    • Keywords: 5-6 words or phrases (no more than 3 words).
    • The text of the paperstructured as following: introduction , problem or description of the model,  methodology, object of research, results, conclusions, references.  Other adopted headings are allowed. All letters or abbreviations shall be explained in the text when mentioned for the first  time. Any abbreviations, (except special terms, physical and mathematical quantities, measurements) are  not allowed.  All measurements are given in accordance with Standard metric system;
    • Reference list in Russian, made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation» in alphabetical order. If there is a DOI index, then it must be specified. Each source listed on the reference list must have a link in the text. The allowed number of links is 15-40. Self-citation - no more than 10%. References to foreign sources - at least 50%. Theses and materials of correspondence conferences is not allowed to include in the reference list, as well as documents (orders, government standards (GOST), Sanitary Rules and Regulations (SanPiN), standards, laws, guidelines, regulations, resolutions). References to these documents should be placed in footnotes. For all sources, you must specify: city, publisher, year of publication, volume and page number (if any).
    • all gratifying  can be expressed in notes on the first page.
  3. After the list of references:
    references are followed by the  following information is given in English:
    • Authors' initials and names;
    • The headline of the article;
    • Abstract with key-words. 
    • Reference list in the Roman alphabet. References should be made in an order identical to the list of literature in Russian. Online service - "Translit in Russian" ( is recommended to use, where you need to choose the option of transliteration BSI. 

      References should be given in accordance with the following rules:

      For edition

      Author (transliteration). Title (transliteration) [Translation of the title into English]. City (in English), Publishing office (add for each source Publ.), year, length (р.). DOI (if any). (in Russian)

      Bazanova O. S. Organizatsionnoe povedenie i organizatsionnaya kul'tura [Organizational Behavior and Organizational Culture]. Mosсow, Laboratoriya knigi Publ., 2012. 111 p. (in Russian)

      For article
      Author (transliteration), title(transliteration) [Translation of the title into English]. Source (transliteration) [Translation of source into English or official translation from the journal website] 

      Korelyakov Yu. A. Sredstva ekspress-diagnostiki napravlennosti lichnosti v strukture opredeleniya urovnya ee professional'nogo razvitiya [Means of express diagnostics of the person's orientation in the structure of determining the level of her professional development]. Zhurnal prikladnoi psikhologii [Journal of Applied Psychology], 2000, vol. 5, pp. 25-33. (in Russian)

      DOI of the article can be specified as a hyperlink URL.
      For articles published in English, transliteration is not required.

      Shaffer D., Craft L. Methods of adolescent suicide prevention. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1999, vol. 60 (l2), pp. 70-74. 
    • Complete information about the authorsshould reflect: name, patronymic, surname, academic degree, academic title, position, workplace, work address, office phone, e-mail. In English, the address of the workplace must be specified after the Russian Federation index.
  1. Page parameters: А4 format, page orientation – bookish, margins – 25 mm at left side 15 mm right side, 20 mm top, 20 mm bottom. Text parameters: font – Times New Roman, size – 14; Line-to-line spacing – one-and-a-half; indent – 1,25 sm. Brackets, markers and other symbols shall be similar through the whole article. There shall be one space between words inside a paragraph.
  2. Titles and subtitles are put in the center, separated from the main text by 1 interval and typed in suitable style in small letters without hyphens and full stops at the end.
  3. Page numbers must be give in right top corner.
  4. In the text of the article, bibliographic references are given in square brackets: one author – [Black, 2015], two authors – [Black, Nordy, 2013], three authors – [Knowles, Dettinger, Cayan, 2006], more than three authors - the first three words of the source title [North Atlantic Oscillation … , 2005].
  5. Direct quotation enclosed within quotation marks should have a link to the page of the source where it was taken from. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
  6. All divisions in words are automatic.
  7. All illustrations are presented as separate files in TIFF format, 300-600 dpi, black and white, greyish color. If there are a few pictures combined with one title they should be presented as one file. The number of a figure should be given in the title of the file.

    All figures are also available as separate files in their original format. Color images are allowed only in exceptional cases, and the decision to print them taken separately.

    The size of the image together with the signature should not exceed 125 × 200 mm. In this case, the name of the picture and captions in the image are not included and are made in accordance with the requirements of the text of the article. Do not use in the figure captions bullet characters, that is should write, for example: "The experimental data are marked by circles, the theoretical curve - solid line." Such signatures may be implemented as at the figure legends. Signs and symbols that are inserted into the graphics must be formatted uniformly and in accordance with the design of the text of the article (font, style, size).

    The author must ensure the readability of the print image in accordance with the specified requirements.
    All figures must be numbered and have captions. Should not be repeated in the figure captions disclosures already contained in the text of the manuscript, as well as provide the same results in the form of tables, and in the form of figures.
  1. Tables should be given in the appropriate format with the title in the right top corner.
    Table 1
    Headline.................1 interval

    If the table is large it should be arranged at the separate page(s) with remarks "cont." or "end" in right top corner. Each table should be presented after its reference and should be headed with number and title which is formatted to the left and should not be wide than usual page format. All data are given in one interval. There should be references to figures and tables in the text. The only table or figure are not numerated.

    All figures and tables should be arranged after paragraphs. The words " figure " or "table " are abbreviated in the middle or end of the sentences. The second reference is like "see fig.1 or see tab.1"

  1. The manuscript is reviewed by an expert in the field (Dr.Sc. or Cand.Sc.). The reviewer is appointed by the editorial board.  Peer reviewers are anonymous. The editorial board makes the final decision on the publication of the article. The reviews are available on the authors’ request. Referee reports are kept at the editorial board for five years and are available on the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  2. Editors reserve the right to reject the papers, which fail to comply with the above rules.
  3. If the paper is not accepted, the editors provide the author with the clear and justified conclusion. The manuscripts are not returned. 
  4. Correction is not sent to authors, and all further verification is conducted edited by the author’s original.
  5. The authors are responsible for the content and style of the paper, the quality of annotation's translation, for the correctness and completeness of all citations.
  6. In the same issue may be published no more than three works by one author, including co-authorship.
  7. Articles of postgraduate are published free, subject to the availability of an official letter confirming the postgraduate training. The postgraduates, published an article in the magazine is available free copy.
  8. The  submissions  to the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Psichologiya» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Psychology»), means that the author accepts the above requirements and permits the publication of a full paper on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library ( and on the official website of Irkutsk State University ( in the journal section (, as well as, gives the permission for his/her personal data processing and publication in the press.

The e-versions of author guidelines, paper's reviewing process, biographical notes, and author agreement (for a single author or a group of authors) are available on the website of the Irkutsk State University (