Author guidelines, series «Biology. Ecology» Isu - Author guidelines, series «Biology. Ecology»

Author guidelines, series «Biology. Ecology»

Author guidelines for the papers submitted to the journal
«Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Biologiya. Ecologiya»
(«The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Biology. Ecology»)


The journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Biologiya. Ecologiya» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Biology. Ecology») considers the manuscripts that satisfy the following requirements:

    1. The paper submitted to the journal must be a completed scientific research and contain new scientific results.
    2. The authors are responsible for the content and style of the paper, correctness of title, annotation and author’s biographical notes translation.
    3. The manuscript should be provided with an official letter signed by institution’s head or with an expert report confirming the possibility of paper open publication.
    4. Papers submitted must never be published in other journals or currently presented for consideration and publication in other journals.
    5. The editorial board reserves the right to abridge and correct the manuscripts. The manuscripts sent to authors for them to revise the document should be submitted back to the editorial board both in printed and electronic version in a 30-day-period. Should the revised article be submitted later the deadline specified above, the date of its submission is correspondingly changed.
    6. Papers by graduate students are published free of charge if an official letter confirming the affiliation to the graduate school is provided.
    7. One author can publish up to 2 of his\her papers (a research article and brief statement) in one issue.
    8. One printed manuscript (A4 format, single sided printing) is submitted to Irkutsk State University, the Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies  (Address: office 203, Sukhe-Bator st. 5, Irkutsk, 664003). A reliable e-copy of the manuscript saved in Microsoft Word can be provided on a CD or flash memory. E-copy of the manuscript should be sent to the editorial board’s e-mail: If created in Word 2007, 2010 or in other text processing programs, the documents are recommended to be saved in Word 97–2003 (*.doc). PDF format of the manuscript is advisable if the article is of a complex formatting and contains a significant number of illustrations.
    9. Editors reserve the right to reject the papers, which fail to comply with present requirements.
    10. The editors shall send a justified refusal to publish the paper to its author(s), the rejected papers will not be returned.
    11. The authors are not provided with proofreading, the editors carry out all the revision according to the author’s original version.
    12. The papers submitted are reviewed by experts having prominent achievements in the research area the paper is related to. The Editorial Board takes a decision to publish the paper on the basis of the review.
    13. The authors can be provided with the reviews on the submitted papers but without signature, name, position and workplace of the reviewer given.
    14. Volume of papers should not exceed 1.0 of publisher’s sheet (1 publisher’s sheet = 40 thousand characters, spaces included) including illustrations, tables, graphs, photographs, figure captions, a reference list and an abstract. Short reports should not exceed 0.3 of publisher’s sheet.
    15. The text should be on A4 paper (page margins: left - 25 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm), font Times New Roman, font size 12, line style 1.0. Identation - 1.25 cm (spaces or Tab key not allowed). Inverted commas, brackets, markers and other signs should be of the same type throughout the text. Words in a paragraph are separated by a single space.
    16. The layout of the material: Universal Decimal Classification (font size 14, capital letters, upper left corner); title of the paper (font size 14, lower case characters, fully justified); the author(s)’ initials and surname(s) (font size 14, lower case characters, left justified); affiliation, city (font size 12, italics, lower case characters, left justified); e-mail of the first author (no hyperlink or underlining is advisable) (font size 12, italics, lower case characters, left justified); the abstract in Russian presenting the key ideas (recommended volume is 200–250 words) (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justified); key words in Russian (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justified). The text is followed by the reference list (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justified, line style 1), about the list layout see paragraphs 31 and 32. Notes about Authors in Russian are next, it  should include name and surname (and patronymic name if any), position, academic degrees and titles, affiliation, full postal address (including a zip code), phone (fax) number and e-mail address (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justified). Information about the article in English is the last block of the paper. It should contain: the title of the article (font size 14, in bold, lower case characters, fully justified); the author(s)’ initials and surname(s) (font size 14, lower case characters, left justified); affiliation; city (font size 12, lower case characters, left justified); summary (recommended volume is 200–250 words) and key words (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justified), references (transliterated from Cyrillic into Latin and in English, see paragraph 33) and notes about Authors in English (layout of both references and notes about Authors should be identical to Russian version).
    17. Tables, illustrations and captions are placed and printed on a separate page or pages.
    18. The text of the paper should be arranged in the following way: introduction (or topicality) –  research methods – discussion (or results and discussion) – conclusions –  references.
    19. The manuscript is required to be written in a clear style, doubling the data presented in tables or figures in the text is not advisable. The authors are responsible for the content and style of the paper, the manuscript should be proofread, with spelling and syntax carefully verified. All abbreviations should be expanded when first mentioned.
    20. No full stop at the end of the heading, subtitles, table and captions.
    21. Abbreviations of words, names, titles (except for internationally recognized measures, physical and mathematical quantities and terms) are not allowed; units of measurement are given in SI.
    22. If geographical titles are used, the following abbreviations are advisable: City (city), VLG. (village), Isl. (island), L. (lake), Pen. (peninsula), Sett. (settlement); R. (river), Bay (bay); Gulf (gulf); Mtn. range (mountain range), in other cases the title is not abbreviated. Altitude above sea level is referred to as AMSL.
    23. In the words spelt with «ё», the letter symbol «ё» is used.
    24. Quotation marks (« »), brackets ([ ], ()) as well as other marks are required to be similar throughout the text. Hyphens are only used for compound words and not separated by space characters, while dash sign is framed with space characters. No space characters to frame the dash symbol used between figures (Ex: 1999–2002, 10–15 km). Space characters are required to frame the symbols “-“, “+”, “×”, “>”, “<”, “=”. Space interval is required between initials and surname, and before the symbol “%”. The symbol “±” is not framed with space intervals. The symbols “°” (degrees), “‰” (per mille) and “×” (multiplication sigh) are imported from the Word symbol table (codes 02DA, 2030, 00D7). The accent mark is imported from the symbols table (code 0301). The decimal point is necessary to mark a decimal fraction. Letter symbols used in statistics or formulae are in italics (п, Р, г, SD, х, etc.). Latin or Greek letters are not replaced by Russian ones even having the same lettering.
    25. Each figure is given as a separate file in TIFF. Charts, diagrams and tables are formed in Word, Excel, Statistica, or other formats compatible with MS Office and provided in separate files. Charts and diagrams imported from such formats should not contain an integrated heading and legend. In charts and diagrams imported from such programs as Excel, Statistica, etc. captions and keys integrated into charts should be prior formatted in the same way (font, type face, font size). Captions are placed below (font size 12, lower case characters, fully justifies, indented 1,25, line style 1). Comments to the figure are placed below the caption (font size 11, lower case characters, fully justifies, indented 1,25, line style 1).
    26. Illustrations are required to be right-angled and contrasting. Micro-photos can be presented in the form of composite photographs, with zooming indicated. If the figure is a montage, with details specified by letters or numbers, it should be provided with joint and extended captions.
    27. On the reverse side of printed figures there should be specified their number, first author’s surname, the title of the article, top and bottom indicated.
    28. Tables are required to be created in the table mode (Add a table), They should be compact and obvious.  Each table should be numbered in the upper right (Table 1), (font size 12, lower case characters, right justified) and provided with a thematic heading (font size 12, lower case characters, center justified, line style 1). The number of characters in a table should correspond to a standard А4, recommended font Times New Roman, font size 10–12. Table heading and subheadings should correspond to table’s data. Comments to the table are provided below the table in smaller print. Boxes of the table are vertically, left and right justified.
    29. Illustrations and tables have continuous numbering. Each table or figure is placed below the reference.
    30. Tables and illustrations, if the format allowing, are placed close to the reference. The placement of figures and tables is marked by figure/table’s number or headline in the manuscript.
    31. The reference list must be arranged only by the references cited in the text. In text references are marked by numbers in square brackets corresponding to the number of the source in the reference list. References are arranged in alphabetical order and are numbered. Foreign language literature is listed afterwards the sources in Russian adhering to continuous numbering. The author must cite to the published materials only.
    32. The reference list conforms to the Russian State Standard 7.1-2003 on the bibliographic record, bibliographic description, general guidelines and rules; the Russian State Standard 7.12-93 on the bibliographic record, abbreviations in Russian language, general guidelines and rules; the Russian State Standard 7.11-2004 on the bibliographic record, abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages; the Russian State Standard 7.82-2001 on the bibliographic record of e-sources, general guidelines and rules.
    33. The list of references in Russian should be duplicated by transliterated Latin and English.
Main features of transliteration:
- titles of papers, monographs, abstracts of papers and conference proceedings should be selected with italic type. Titles translated in English should be embraced with square brackets and typed with a roman type;
- in case the information in English exists in the reference paper in Russian the link to English title is advisable, transliteration is not required;
- in case the reference paper in Russian exists as printed in English version of periodical the link to English version is advisable.
Reference information schemes are:
- papers in periodicals: author's surname and initials (transliterated, roman type); (транслитерация, прямой); title of paper (transliterated, roman type);  [title in English (square brackets, roman type)]; title of periodical (transliterated, italic type); [title of periodical in English (unique name is advisable) (square brackets, roman type)]; data-out information in English; language (in Russian); doi number (if available);
- monographs: author's surname and initials (transliterated, roman type); title of book(transliterated, italic type); [title in English (square brackets, roman type)]; data-out information in English:  site (Moscow, St. Petersburg), university / academic press (Moscow St. Univ. Publ.) or transliterated unique name of publishing firm with “Publ.” designation (GEOTAR-Media Publ., Nauka Publ.); number of pages (500 р.)); doi number (if available);
- conference proceedings (conference papers): author's surname and initials (transliterated, roman type); title of report (transliterated, roman type); [title in English (square brackets, roman type)]; title of conference (transliterated if not Englich, italic type); [title in English (square brackets, roman type)]; data-out information in English; language; doi number (if available).
For examples of the publication information (papers, conference proceedings, monographs and Web-resources) transliterated from Cyrillic into Latin see paragraph 33 of Author guidelines in Russian version.
The most popular Web-resource in Russian which allows to transliterate in many directions easy and correct is (choosing the BSI mode before transliteration is advisable).
  1. The paper must be signed by the author, and by all co-authors if any. Author’s biographical notes should be also attached including name and surname (and patronymic name if any), position, academic degrees and titles. Contact information should contain full postal address (including a zip code) and phone number.
  2. If the manuscript presents a scientific experimental development, and living organisms used as laboratory samples, the authors are required to specify the number and species of  living organisms used for laboratorial investigation as well as the information clarifying the sources that  provided the lab with living organisms; anaesthetization and killing methods applied to the animals (strictly according to the “Regulations on laboratory investigation with living organisms as samples”, under the order of USSR’s Healthcare Ministry № 755 dated 12.08.77).
  3. If an author submits a paper to the journal «Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta». Seriya «Biologiya. Ecologiya» («The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University». Series «Biology. Ecology»), hereby, he/she agrees with the guidelines given, with publication of the full version of the paper on the official website of the Scientific Electronic Library (, and on the official website of Irkutsk State University ( in the journal section (, as well as, gives the permission for his/her personal data processing and publication in the press.

The e-versions of author guidelines, paper's reviewing process, biographical notes, and author agreement (for a single author or a group of authors) are available on the website of the Irkutsk State University (