- Витковская Надежда Моисеевна
- Кобычев Владимир Борисович
- Трофимов Александр Борисович
- Орел Владимир Борисович
- Скитневская Анна Дмитриевна
- Бобков Александр Сергеевич
- Зубарев Андрей Анатольевич
- Якимова Эмма Константиновна
- Манжуева Анастасия Анатольевна
- Гнатовский Григорий Русланович
- Тепляшин Никита Владимирович
- Прадедова Анастасия Георгиевна
- Орлюк Юлия Алексеевна
- Парахина Полина Борисовна
- Витовская Олеся Павловна
- Kobychev V.B., Belyaeva K.V., Trofimov B.A. / A Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanism of Base-Mediated Cyclodimerization of Benzoylethynylpyrrole // ChemistrySelect - 2025 - V. 10, N. 1, P. e202404911 - DOI: 10.1002/slct.202404911
- Kobychev V.B., Absalyamov D.Z., Oparina L.A., Trofimov B.A. / A Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanisms of Acylpyrrolylacetylenes Reactions With 1‐Pyrrolines // ChemistrySelect - 2024 - V. 9, N. 4, P. e202304402 - DOI: 10.1002/slct.202304402
- Zhou J., Jia S., Xue X., Skitnevskaya A.D., Wang E., Wang X., Hao X., Zeng Q., Kuleff A.I., Dorn A., Ren X. / Revealing the Role of N Heteroatoms in Noncovalent Aromatic Interactions by Ultrafast Intermolecular Coulombic Decay // J. Phys. Chem. Lett. - 2024 - V. 15, N. 5, P. 1529–1538 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c02979
- Bobkov A.S., Orlyuk Y.A., Vitovskaya O.P., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Parameterization of the IEF PCM model for calculating solvation energies in N-methylpyrrolidone solution // Physics and Chemistry of Liquids - 2024 - V. 62, N. 5., P. 460-467 - DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2024.2321623
- Orel V.B., Zubarev A.A., Vitkovskaya N.M., Schmidt E.Yu., Trofimov B.A. / А Quantum-Chemical Study of the Mechanism of 1-Azadienes Formation from Aldimines and Arylacetylenes in the KOtBu/DMSO Superbasic Medium // Asian J. Org. Chem. - 2024 - V. 13, N.9, P. e202400218 - DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.202400218
- Bidusenko I.A., Schmidt E.Yu., Kozlova D.O., Protsuk N.I., Ushakov I.A., Bagryanskaya I.Yu., Orel V.B., Zubarev A.A., Trofimov B.A. / Tetraaryl‑3H‑Azepines: KOBut/DMSO-Catalyzed Assembly from Diaryldiynes and N‑Benzylaldimines // Org. Lett. - 2024 - V. 26, N. 23, P. 4963−4968 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c01531
- Trofimov A.B., Skitnevskaya A.D., Belogolova A.M., Iakimova E.K., Gromov E.V. / A Study of the Ionization Spectrum of 6,6-Dimethylfulvene Using Algebraic-Diagrammatic Construction and Coupled Cluster Methods // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A - 2024 - V. 98, N. 5, P. 878–885 - DOI: 10.1134/S0036024424050297
- a) Орел В.Б., Гнатовский Г.Р., Витковская Н.М. / Квантово-химическое исследование комплексов гидразина с муравьиной кислотой в системе N2H4—HCOOH—HCOO– в присутствии супероснования KOBut—DMSO // Изв. АН. Сер. хим. - 2024 - т. 73, № 8, С. 2191-2198
b) Orel V.B., Gnatovsky G.R., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Hydrazine complexes with formic acid formed in the N2H4—HCOOH—HCOO− system in the presence of KOBut—DMSO superbase: a quantum chemical study // Russ. Chem. Bull. - 2024 - V. 73, N. 8, P. 2191–2198 - DOI: 10.1007/s11172-024-4340-5 - Schmidt E.Yu., Semenova N.V., Ivanova E.E., Ushakov I.A., Bidusenko I.A., Bobkov A.S., Vitkovskaya N.M., Trofimov B.A. / One-pot Synthesis of 2-Substituted-4,5-dimethyloxazoles from Amides and Acetylene Gas in the KOH/MeOH/DMSO Catalytic Triad // Adv. Synth. Catal. - 2025 - V. 367, N. 2, P. e202400953 (1-11) - DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202400953
- Гришкова В.М., Крицкий О.Р., Трофимов А.Б., Скитневская А.Д. / Теоретическое исследование влияния межмолекулярных взаимодействий на спектр двукратно ионизированных состояний в системах урацил – nH2O (n = 1- 4) // ЖСХ - 2025 - Т. 66, № 2, С. 140030 - DOI: 10.26902/JSC_id140030
- Trofimov B.A., Sobenina L.N., Petrova O.V., Sagitova E.F., Petrushenko K.B., Tomilin D.N., Martyanova E.G., Razumov V.F., Oparina L.A., Ushakov I.A., Korchagin D.V., Belogolova A.M., Trofimov A.B. / Macrocyclic Bridgehead Fluorophores, Pyrrolyl-diazabicyclo[8.3.1]tetradecadienones, with Giant Stokes Shifts // J. Org. Chem - 2024 - V. 89, N. 24, P. 18142–18158 - DOI:10.1021/acs.joc.4c02002
- Skitnevskaya A.D., Gokhberg K., Trofimov A.B., Grigoricheva E.K., Kuleff A.I., and Cederbaum L.S. / Two-Sided Impact of Water on the Relaxation of Inner-Valence Vacancies of Biologically Relevant Molecules // J. Phys. Chem. Lett. - 2023 - V. 14, N. 6, P. 1418–1426 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03654
- Tikhonov S.A., Sidorin A.E., Ksenofontov A.A., Kosyanov D.Yu., Samoilov I.S., Skitnevskaya A.D., Trofimov A.B., Antina E.V., Berezinc M.B. and Vovna V.I. / XPS and quantum chemical analysis of 4Me-BODIPY derivatives // Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. - 2023 - V. 25, N. 6, P. 5211-5225 - DOI: 10.1039/D2CP04541A
- Tomilin D.N., Sobenina L.N., Belogolova A.M., Trofimov A.B., Ushakov I.A. and Trofimov B.A. / Unexpected Decarbonylation of Acylethynylpyrroles under the Action of Cyanomethyl Carbanion: A Robust Access to Ethynylpyrroles // Molecules - 2023 - V. 28, N. 3, P. 1389 - DOI: 10.3390/molecules28031389
a) Прадедова А.Г., Кобычев В.Б. / Квантовохимическое исследование механизма стереоселективного образования (E,Z)-1,3-дифенил-2-аза-1,3-диена из N-бензил-1-фенилэтан-1-имина и ацетилена в суперосновной среде KOBut/ДМСО // ЖСХ - 2023 - т. 64, № 3, С. 107402 - DOI: 10.26902/JSC_id107402
b) Pradedova A. G., Kobychev V. B. / Quantum Chemical Study of the Mechanism of (E,Z)-1,3-Diphenyl-2-Aza-1,3-Diene Stereoselective Formation from N-Benzyl-1-Phenylethane-1-Imine and Acetylene in the KOt-Bu/DMSO Superbasic Environment // J. Struct. Chem. - 2023 - V. 64, P. 384-397 - DOI: 10.1134/S0022476623030058 - Absalyamov D.Z., Vitkovskaya N.M., Orel V.B., Schmidt E.Yu., Trofimov B.A. / Quantum‐Chemical Insight into Self‐Organization of Complex Molecules from Acetylene and Anilines Catalyzed by Superbase KOH/DMSO: One‐Pot Cascade Assembly of 1,3‐Bis(arylamines) // Asian J. Org. Chem. - 2023 - V. 12, N. 4, P. e202300042 - DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.202300042
- Teplyashin N.V., Bobkov A.S., Korchevin N.A., Rozentsveig I.B., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Reactivity of bis(2-chloroprop-2-enyl)sulfide in the system hydrazine hydrate/alkali: A quantum chemical insight // J. Phys. Org. Chem. - 2023 - V. 36, N. 9, P. e4515 - DOI: 10.1002/poc.4515
- Orel V.B., Zubarev A.A., Bidusenko I.A., Ushakov I.A., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Quantum-Chemical Study of the Assembly Mechanism of 1‑Pyrrolines from N‑Benzylaldimines and Arylacetylenes in KOtBu/DMSO Superbasic Medium // J. Org. Chem - 2023 - V. 88, N. 11, P. 7058-7069 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.3c00333
- Ivanov A.V., Bobkov A.S., Martynovskaya S.V., Budaev A.B., Vitkovskaya N.M. / A Short-Cut to Substituted Fused Pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]oxazines: A Hybrid Theoretical and Experimental Study // Asian J. Org. Chem. - 2023 - V. 12, N. 8, P. e202300153 - DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.202300153
- a) Орел В.Б., Манжуева А.А. / Механизм однореакторной стереоселективной сборки спирокеталевых производных из циклогексанона и фенилацетилена в среде KOH/ДМСО: квантовохимическое исследование // Химическая физика - 2023 - т. 42, № 7, С. 59 - 69 - DOI: 10.31857/S0207401X23070154
b) Orel V.B., Manzhueva A.A. / Mechanism of One-Pot Stereoselective Assembly of Spiroketal Derivatives from Cyclohexanone and Phenylacetylene in KOH/DMSO: a Quantum Chemical Study // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B - 2023 - V. 17 - P. 835–844 - DOI: 10.1134/S1990793123040152 - a) Витковская Н.М., Орел В.Б., Кобычев В.Б., Бобков А.С. / Квантовохимические исследования механизмов сборок карбо- и гетероциклов на основе реакций ацетиленов в суперосновных средах // ЖОрХ – 2023 – Т. 59, № 10, С. 1301-1318 – DOI: 10.31857/S0514749223100038
b) Vitkovskaya N.M., Orel V.B., Kobychev V.B., Bobkov A.S. / Quantum Chemical Investigations of the Mechanisms of Carbo- and Heterocycles Assemblies Based on Acetylenes Reactions in Superbasic Media // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry – 2023 - V. 59, N. 10, P. 1660-1675 - DOI: 10.1134/s1070428023100020 - a) Трофимов А.Б., Якимова Э.К., Громов Е.В., Скитневская А.Д. / Теоретическое исследование электронного строения и спектра ионизации γ-пирона // ЖОрХ – 2023 – Т. 59, № 10, С. 1363-1374 – DOI: 10.31857/S0514749223100075
b) Trofimov A.B., Iakimova E.K., Gromov E.V., Skitnevskaya A.D. / Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure and Ionization Spectrum of γ-Pyrone // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry – 2023 - V. 59, N. 10, P. 1714-1724 - DOI: 10.1134/s1070428023100068 - Tomilin D.N., Sobenina L.N., Trofimov A.B., Belogolova A.M., Ushakov I.A., Shaglaeva N.S., Trofimov B.A. / A facile synthesis of 2-ethynylpyrroles by ButOK-assisted room temperature deprotection of 2-(acylethynyl)pyrroles // Mendeleev Communications - 2023 - V. 33, N. 4, P. 458-460 - DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2023.06.005
- Bidusenko I.A., Schmidt E.Yu., Ushakov I.A., Vashchenko A.V., Protsuk N.I., Orel V.B., Vitkovskaya N.M., Trofimov B.A. / Semistabilized Diazatrienyl Anions from Pyridine Imines and Acetylenes: An Access to (Z)-Stilbene/Imidazopyridine Ensembles, Benzyl Imidazopyridines, and Beyond // J. Org. Chem - 2022 - V. 87, N. 18, P. 12225-12239 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.2c01372
- Zhou J., Jia S., Skitnevskaya A.D., Wang E., Hähnel T., Grigoricheva E.K., Xue X., Li J.-X., Kuleff A.I., Dorn A., Ren X. / Concerted Double Hydrogen-Bond Breaking by Intermolecular Coulombic Decay in the Formic Acid Dimer // J. Phys. Chem. Lett. - 2022 - V. 13, N. 19, P. 4272–4279 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00957
- Trofimov A.B., Skitnevskaya A.D, Grigoricheva E.K, Gromov E.V., Köppel H. / Vibronic coupling in the ground and excited states of the imidazole radical cation // J. Chem. Phys. - 2022 - V. 153, P. 164307 - DOI: 10.1063/5.0118148
- Amsheev D.Y., Kashevskii A.V., Kornyushova E.A., Manzhueva A.A., Orel V.B., Parakhina P.B., Safronov A.Y., Shilova A.N. / Osteocalcin active center models: Electrochemical adsorption on platinum and quantum chemical analysis // Electrochim. Acta - 2023 - V. 437, P. 141466 - DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141466
- Dempwolff A.L., Belogolova A.M., Trofimov A.B., Dreuw A. / Intermediate state representation approach to physical properties of molecular electron-attached states: Theory, implementation, and benchmarking // J. Chem. Phys. - 2021 - V. 154, N. 10, P. 104117(1-16) - DOI: 10.1063/5.0043337
- Dempwolff A.L., Belogolova A.M., Sommerfeld T., Trofimov A.B., Dreuw A. / CAP/EA-ADC method for metastable anions: Computational aspects and application to π* resonances of norbornadiene and 1,4-cyclohexadiene // J. Chem. Phys. - 2021 - V. 155, N. 5, P. 054103(1-13) - DOI: 10.1063/5.0057737
- Duran A.T., Powis I., Holland D.M.P., Nicolas C., Bozek J., Trofimov A.B., Grigoricheva E.K., Skitnevskaya A.D. / Vibronic interaction in trans-dichloroethene studied by vibration- A nd angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy using 19-90 eV photon energy // J. Chem. Phys. - 2021 - V. 154, N. 9, P. 094303(1-19) - DOI: 10.1063/5.0040049
- Hill A. , Sa’adeh H., Cameron D., Wang F., Trofimov A.B., Larionova E.Yu., Richter R., Prince K.C. / Positional and Conformational Isomerism in Hydroxybenzoic Acid: A Core-Level Study and Comparison with Phenol and Benzoic Acid // J. Phys. Chem. A - 2021 - N. 125, p.9877−9891 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c07523
- Orel V.B., Vitkovskaya N.M., Bobkov A.S., Semenova N.V., Schmidt E.Y., Trofimov B.A. / Aldol Condensation Versus Superbase-Catalyzed Addition of Ketones to Acetylenes: A Quantum-Chemical and Experimental Study // J. Org. Chem. - 2021 - V.86, N. 11, p.7439-7449 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.1c00388
- Patanen M., Abid A.R., Pratt S.T., Kivimäki A., Trofimov A.B., Skitnevskaya A.D., Grigoricheva E.K., Gromov E.V., Powis I., Holland D.M.P. / Valence shell photoelectron angular distributions and vibrationally resolved spectra of imidazole: A combined experimental-theoretical study // J. Chem. Phys. - 2021 - V.155, N. 5, p.054304(1-16) - DOI: 10.1063/5.0058983
- Kobychev V.B., Pradedova A.G., Trofimov B.A. / A one-pot assembly of Δ2-isoxazolines from ketones, aryl acetylenes and hydroxylamine: Revisiting the mechanism in terms of quantum chemistry // J. Mol. Struct. - 2021 - V.1246, p.131185(1-11) - DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.131185
- Orel V.B., Manzhueva A.A. / The mechanism of one-pot assembly of tetracyclic derivatives of frontalin from cycloaliphatic ketones and acetylene in KOH/DMSO medium: A quantum-chemical study // Tetrahedron - 2021 - V.89 - DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2021.132164
- Absalyamov D.Z., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Quantum-chemical description of interactions in the PhNH2/HCCH system in a superbasic medium // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012049
- Belogolova A.M., Dempwolff A.L., Dreuw A., Trofimov A.B. / A complex absorbing potential electron propagator approach to resonance states of metastable anions // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012050
- Bobkov A.S., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Assembly of 1H-pyrrole from cyclopentanone oxime and acetylene: A quantum-chemical model // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012051
- Gnatovsky G.R., Orel V.B., Vitkovskaya N.M. / The addition of ethylhydrazine to α,β- And β,γ-unsaturated ketones: A quantum-chemical modeling // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012052
- Grigoricheva E.K., Skitnevskaya A.D., Gromov E.V., Trofimov A.B. / Vibronic coupling in the Pyridine Radical Cation: Nuclear Dynamics Studied Using the Multi-configuration Time-Dependent Hartree method // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012053
- Kobychev V.B. / Choosing a solvation model for simulating reactions in KOH(KOBut)/DMSO superbasic media // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012054
- Orel V.B., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Acetylene vs ketones on the route to base-promoted assembly of furans or 6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes and cyclopentenols: A quantum-chemical study // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012056
- Pradedova A.G., Kobychev V.B. / Effect of the anionic center hydration on the activation barrier of intramolecular nucleophilic addition in αβ-unsaturated oximes // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012057
- Teplyashin N.V., Bobkov A.S., Vitkovskaya N.M. / Reaction of N-allenyl-1H-pyrrole-2-yl-carbaldehyde with hydroxylamine: A quantum-chemical model // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012058
- Zubarev A.A., Orel V.B. / The effect of the reagents nature on nucleophilic addition of acetylenes to the C=N bond of aldimines: A quantum-chemical investigation // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2021 - V.1847, N. 1 - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012059
- А. Г. Прадедова / Квантовохимическое моделирование стереоселективного образования (E,Z)-1,3-дифенил-2-аза-1,3-диена ИЗ N-бензил-1-фенилэтан-1-имина и ацетилена в суперосновной среде KOBut/ДМСО // Вестник Башкирского университета - 2021 - т.26, №2. - С. 334-339. - DOI: 10.33184/bulletin-bsu-2021.2.10
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Orel, V.B. Kobychev, A.S. Bobkov, D.Z. Absalyamov, B.A. Trofimov / Quantum-chemical models of KOH(KOBut)/DMSO superbasic systems and mechanisms of base-promoted acetylene reactions // Int. J. Quantum Chem. – 2020 – V.120, N. 9 – P. e26152 (1-12) - DOI: 10.1002/qua.26158
- A.S. Bobkov, N.M. Vitkovskaya, B.A. Trofimov / Cascade Assembly of 4,5,6,7-Tetrahydroindole from Cyclohexanone Oxime and Acetylene in the KOH/DMSO Superbase Medium: A Quantum Chemical Study // J. Org. Chem. – 2020 – V.85, N.10 – P. 6463–6470 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c00353
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Orel, D.Z. Absalyamov, B.A. Trofimov / Self-Assembly of N-Phenyl-2,5-dimethylpyrrole from Acetylene and Aniline in KOH/DMSO and KOBut/DMSO Superbase Systems: A Quantum-Chemical Insight // J. Org. Chem. – 2020 – V.85, N.16 – P. 10617–10627 - DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c01185
- V.B. Orel, A.A. Manzhueva / Thermodynamics and isomerism of products and intermediates of a one-pot superbase-promoted assembly of tetracyclic frontalin derivatives: A quantum chemical study // J. Mol. Struct. – 2020 – V. 1215 – P. 128290 – DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.128290
- I.A. Bidusenko, E.Y. Schmidt, I.A. Ushakov, V.B. Orel, D.Z. Absalyamov, N.M. Vitkovskaya, B.A. Trofimov / Head-to-Tail Dimerization of 4-Fluoroacetophenone in the KOH/DMSO Superbase Suspension and Related SNAr Reaction // Eur. J. Org. Chem. – 2020 - V. 2020, N. 23 - P. 3480-3485 - DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202000454
- A.V. Ivanov, S.V. Martynovskaya, V.S. Shcherbakova, I.A. Ushakov, T.N. Borodina, A.S. Bobkov, N.M. Vitkovskaya / Ambient access to a new family of pyrrole-fused pyrazine nitrones via 2-carbonyl-N-allenylpyrroles // Org. Chem. Front. – 2020 – V. 7, N. 24 - P. 4019-4025 - DOI: 10.1039/d0qo00762e
- A.L. Dempwolff, A.C. Paul, A.M. Belogolova, A.B. Trofimov, A. Drew / Intermediate state representation approach to physical properties of molecular electron-detached states. I. Theory and implementation // J. Chem. Phys. – 2020 – V.152, N.2 – P.024113 (1-16) - DOI: 10.1063/1.5137792
- A.L. Dempwolff, A.C. Paul, A.M. Belogolova, A.B. Trofimov, A. Drew / Intermediate state representation approach to physical properties of molecular electron-detached states. II. Benchmarking // J. Chem. Phys. – 2020 – V.152, N.2 – P.024125 (1-12) - DOI: 10.1063/1.5137794
- A.B. Trofimov, A.D. Skitnevskaya, E.K. Grigoricheva, E.V. Gromov, H. Köppel / Vibronic coupling in the ground and excited states of the pyridine radical cation // J. Chem. Phys. – 2020 – V.153, N.16 – P. 164307 (1-14) - DOI: 10.1063/5.0024446
- S.V. Tikhonov, E.V. Fedorenko, A.G. Mirochnik, I.S. Osmushko, A.D. Skitnevskaya, A.B. Trofimov, V.I. Vovna / Spectroscopic and quantum chemical study of difluoroboron β-diketonate luminophores: Isomeric acetylnaphtholate chelates // Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy – 2019 – V.214 – P.67-78.
- B.A. Trofimov, P.A. Volkov, K.O. Khrapova, A.A. Telezhkin, N.I. Ivanova, A.I. Albanov, N.K. Gusarova, A.M. Belogolova, A.B. Trofimov / Acetylene-triggered reductive incorporation of phosphine chalcogenides into a quinoline scaffold: toward SNHAr reaction // J. Org. Chem. – 2019 – V.84, N.10 – P.6244-6257.
- A.B. Trofimov, A.M. Belogolova, S.A. Serebrennikova, R. Forbes, S.T. Pratt, D.M.P. Holland /An experimental and theoretical study of the C 1s ionization satellites in CH3I // J. Chem. Phys. – 2019 – V.150, N.22 – P.224303 (1-12).
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, A.S. Bobkov, S.V. Kuznetsova, V.S. Shcherbakova, A.V. Ivanov / Base-promoted formation of an annelated pyrrolo-1,4-oxazine ensemble from 1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethanol and propargyl chloride: a theoretical and experimental study // ChemPlusChem - 2019 doi: 10.1002/cplu.201900407
- V.B. Orel, N.M. Vitkovskaya, D.Z. Absalyamov, E.Yu. Schmidt, B.A. Trofimov / Quantum chemical comparison of ethynylation and C-vinylation routes in superbase catalyzed reaction of acetylenes with imines // Mendeleev Communications – 2019 - V. 29 - P. 622–624 doi: 10.1016/j.mencom.2019.11.005
- X. Ren, E. Wang, A. D. Skitnevskaya, A B. Trofimov, K. Gokhberg, A. Dorn, Experimental evidence for ultrafast intermolecular relaxation processes in hydrated biomolecules // Nature Physics – 2018 – V.14 – P.1062-1066.
- M. Pernpointner, L. Visscher, and A. B Trofimov / Four-component polarization propagator calculations of electron excitations: Spectroscopic implications of spin-orbit coupling effects // J. Chem. Theory Comput. – 2018 – V.14, N.3 – P.1510-1522.
- V.B. Orel, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, and B.A. Trofimov / Transition-Metal-Free C-Vinylation of Ketones with Acetylenes: A Quantum-Chemical Rationalization of Similarities and Differences in Catalysis by Superbases MOH/DMSO and tBuOM/DMSO (M = Na, K) // J. Org. Chem. – 2018 – V.83, N.7 – P.3719-3726.
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Orel, V.B. Kobychev, E.Yu. Schmidt, and B.A. Trofimov / Two classes of heterocycles – 6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes and cyclopentenols from the same reagents: a quantum-chemical comparison of mechanism // Int. J. Quantum Chem. – 2018 – e25689 (1-10).
- A. Trofimov, I. Powis, R. Menzies, D. Holland, E. Antonsson, M. Patanen, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, A. Skitnevskaya, E. Gromov, H. Koeppel, An experimental and theoretical study of the photoelectron spectra of (Z)-1,2-dichloroethene: Valence shell vertical ionization and vibronic coupling in the low-lying states, J. Chem. Phys – 2018 – V.149, N.7 – P.074306 (1-14)
- I. Powis, R. Menzies, D. Holland, A. Trofimov, A. Skitnevskaya, E. Gromov, E. Antonsson, M. Patanen, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, Photoionization dynamics of cis-dichloroethene from investigation of vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra and angular distributions, J. Chem. Phys. – 2018 – V.149, N.7 – P.074305 (1-11).
- S.F. Malysheva, V.A. Kuimov, A.B. Trofimov, N.A. Belogorlova, Yu.I. Litvintsev, A.M. Belogolova, N.K. Gusarova, B.A. Trofimov, 2-Halopyridines in the triple reaction in the Pn/KOH/DMSO system to form tri(2-pyridyl)phosphine: experimental and quantum-chemical dissimilarities // Mendeleev Communications – 2018 – V.28, № 5 – P.472-474.
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, A.S. Bobkov, V.B. Orel, E.Y. Schmidt, B.A. Trofimov / Nucleophilic Addition of Ketones To Acetylenes and Allenes: A Quantum-Chemical Insight // J. Org. Chem. — 2017 — V. 82, N. 23. — P. 12467–12476.
- A.B. Trofimov, D.M.P. Holland, I. Powis, R.C. Menzies, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson, E. V. Gromov, I.L. Badsyuk, J. Schirmer / Ionization of pyridine: Interplay of orbital relaxation and electron correlation // J. Chem. Phys. — 2017 — V. 146, N. 24.
- D.M.P. Holland, I. Powis, A.B. Trofimov, R.C. Menzies, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson, I.L. Badsyuk, T.E. Moskovskaya, E. V Gromov, J. Schirmer / An experimental and theoretical study of the valence shell photoelectron spectra of 2-chloropyridine and 3-chloropyridine // J. Chem. Phys. — 2017. — V. 147, N. 16. — P. 164307.
- В.Б. Кобычев, В.Б. Орел, Д.В. Занков, Н.М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантово-химическое моделирование катализируемых супероснованием реакций ацетофенона и метилмезитилкетона с ацетиленом // Изв. АН, Сер. хим. — 2017 — N. 12. — P. 2227–2233.
- А.Б. Трофимов, А.М. Белоголова, Д.Ю. Сошников, Т.Э. Московская, Н.М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Пропагаторное квантово-химическое исследование S-цис-(Z)-2-(2-формилэтенил)пиррола: электронная структура и аспекты проявления внутримолекулярной водородной связи в спектрах ионизации // Изв. АН, Сер. хим. — 2017 — N. 12. — P. 2241–2247.
- N. M. Vitkovskaya, V. B. Kobychev, A. D. Skitnevskaya, V. B. Orel, A. S. Bobkov, A. A. Zubarev, and B. A. Trofimov / Synthesis of divinyl sulphide via addition of hydrogen sulfide anion to acetylene in alkaline metal hydroxide/DMSO superbasic system: A quantum-chemical insight // Tetrahedron Lett. – 2017 – Vol. 58, N.1 – P. 92–96.
- N. M. Vitkovskaya, V. B. Orel, V. B. Kobychev, A. S. Bobkov, E. Yu. Larionova, and B. A. Trofimov / Exploring acetylene chemistry in superbasic media: a theoretical study of water impact on vinylation and ethynylation reactions with acetylene in KOH/DMSO and NaOH/DMSO systems // J. Phys. Org. Chem. – 2017 – N.30. – P. 3669 (1-11) doi: 10.1002/poc.3669.
- D.N. Tomilin, M.D. Gotsko, L.N. Sobenina, I.A. Ushakov, A.V. Afonin, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov, A.B. Koldobsky, B.A. Trofimov / N-Vinyl-2-(trifluoroacetylethynyl)pyrroles and E-2-(1-bromo-2-trifluoroacetylethenyl)pyrroles: Cross-coupling vs. Addition during C-H-functionalization of pyrroles with bromotrifluoroacetylacetylene in solid Al2O3 medium. H-bonding control // J. Fluorine Chem. - 2016. - Vol.186. - P.1–6.
- D.N. Tomilin, K.B. Petrushenko, L.N. Sobenina, M.D. Gotsko, I.A. Ushakov, A. D. Skitnevskaya, A.B. Trofimov, B.A. Trofimov / Synthesis and optical properties of meso-CF3-BODIPY with acylethynyl substituents in the 3-position of the indacene core // Asian J. Org. Chem - 2016.- Vol. 5, No 10.- P. 1288–1294.
- D. N. Tomilin, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov, M.D. Gotsko, L.N. Sobenina, I.A. Ushakov, A.V. Afonin, A.B. Koldobsky, N.M. Vitkovskaya, B.A. Trofimov / Aluminium oxide-mediated cross-coupling of pyrroles with 1-bromo-2-(trifluoroacetyl)acetylene: a quantum-chemical insight // Mendeleev Commun.- 2016.- Vol. 26. - P. 480–482.
- B. A. Trofimov, L. V. Andriyankova, L. P. Nikitina, K. V. Belyaeva, A. G. Mal'kina, A. V. Afonin, I. A. Ushakov, V. B. Kobychev, V. M. Muzalevskiy, V. G. Nenajdenko / Reaction of imidazole derivatives with trifluoromethylated arylacetylenes // J. Fluor. Chem.– 2016.–Vol. 188.– P. 157–163.
- N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, V.B. Kobychev, E.Yu. Shmidt, and B.A. Trofimov / Formation mechanism and conformation structure of 2,3,4-trimethyl-1,5-di(thiophen-2-yl)pentane-1,5-dione: quantum chemical study // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2016. – Vol. 65, No 2 – P. 394–400.
- N. M. Vitkovskaya, E. Yu. Larionova, A. D. Skitnevskaya, B. A. Trofimov / Hydrative trimerization of acetylene into 2-vinyloxy-1,3-butadiene in the KOH/DMSO system: a quantum chemical insight // Tetrahedron Letters. – 2015. – Vol. 56. – P. 1063–1066.
- В.Б. Кобычев, В.Б. Орел, Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантовохимическое исследование стереоселективности нуклеофильного присоединения 2-метилциклогексанона к фенилацетилену // Докл. АН. – 2015 – Т. 461, № 6. – С. 669–672.
- В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Орел, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантово-химическое реакций алкил- и арилкетонов с фенилацетиленом под действием супероснования KOH—DMSO // Изв. АН. Сер. хим. – 2015. – № 3 – С. 518–524.
- D. A. Shabalin, M.Yu. Dvorko, E.Yu. Schmidt, I. A. Ushakov, N.I. Protsuk, V. B. Kobychev, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov, N. M. Vitkovskaya, A. I. Mikhaleva, B. A. Trofimov / 3H-Pyrroles from ketoximes and acetylene: synthesis, stability and quantum-chemical insight// Tetrahedron. – 2015. – Vol. 71. – P. 3273–3281.
- D.M.P. Holland, E.A. Seddon, A.B. Trofimov, E.V. Gromov, M. Wormit, A. Dreuw, T. Korona, N. de Oliveira, L.E. Archer, D. Joyeux / A study of the excited electronic states of normal and fully deuterated furan by photoabsorption spectroscopy and high-level ab initio calculations // J. Mol. Spectrosc. - 2015. - Vol. 315.- P. 184-195.
- M. Schneider, D. Yu. Soshnikov, D. M. P. Holland, I. Powis ,E. Antonsson, M. Patanen, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, M. Wormit, A. Dreuw and A. B. Trofimov / A fresh look at the photoelectron spectrum of bromobenzene: A third-order non-Dyson electron propagator study // J. Chem. Phys. - 2015. - Vol. 143.- P. 144103.
- I. Powis, D. M. P. Holland, E. Antonsson, M. Patanen, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, M. Schneider, D. Yu. Soshnikov, A. Dreuw and A. B. Trofimov / The influence of the bromine atom Cooper minimum on the photoelectron angular distributions and branching ratios of the four outermost bands of bromobenzene // J. Chem. Phys. - 2015. - Vol. 143.- P. 144304.
- E. V. Gromov, S. Klaiman, L. S. Cederbaum / Influence of caged noble-gas atom on the superatomic and valence states of // Mol. Phys. - 2015. - Vol. 113.- P. 2964-2969.
- В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская. Основы теории групп и ее химические приложения – ООО «Издательство «Аспринт», 2014. – 108 с.
- Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, В.Б. Кобычев, А.Д. Скитневская, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантовохимическое исследование селективности реакций нуклеофильного присоединения метантиола к замещенным ацетиленам в суперосновной среде KOH/DMSO // Докл. АН. – 2014. – Т.456, №5. – С. 549–551.
- В. Б. Кобычев, В. Б. Орел, Н. М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Теоретическое исследование реакций ацетона с ацетиленом и фениацетиленом в суперосновной системе KOH/DMSO // Докл. АН. – 2014. – Т.457, №2. – С. 179–181.
- B.A. Trofimov, L.A. Oparina, O.A. Tarasova, A.V. Artem'ev, V.B. Kobychev,Yu.V. Gatilov, A.I. Albanov, N.K. Gusarova / Tuneable superbase-catalyzed vinylation of α-hydroxyalkylferrocenes with alkynes // Tetrahedron.– 2014.– Vol. 70, Iss. 52 – P. 5954-5960.
- T. Miteva, S. Klaiman, E.V. Gromov, K. Gokhberg / Ionization satellites of the ArHe dimer // J. Chem. Phys.– 2014.– Vol. 140, Iss. 20 – P. 204320.
- S. Klaiman, E.V. Gromov, L.S. Cederbaum / All for one and one for all: accommodating an extra electron in C60 // Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.– 2014.– Vol. 16.– P. 13287–13293.
- D.M.P. Holland, A.B. Trofimov, E.A. Seddon, E.V. Gromov, T. Korona, N. de Oliveira, L.E. Archer, D. Joyeux, L. Nahon / Excited electronic states of thiophene: high resolution photoabsorption Fourier transform spectroscopy and ab initio calculations // Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.- 2014.- Vol. 16.- P. 21629-21644.
- E.V. Gromov / Unveiling the mechanism of photoinduced isomerization of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) chromophore // J. Chem. Phys. – 2014.– Vol. 141, Iss. 22.– P. 224308.
- D.M.P. Holland, I. Powis, A.B. Trofimov, I.L. Bodzuk, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson / A study of the valence shell electronic structure and photoionisation dynamics of ortho-dichlorobenzene, ortho-bromochlorobenzene and trichlorobenzene // Chem. Phys. – 2014. – Vol. 448 – P. 61-75.
- А.Б. Трофимов. Введение в квантовую химию: учеб. пособие. – Иркутск : Изд-во ИГУ, 2013. – 192 с.
- S. Klaiman, E. V. Gromov and L. S. Cederbaum /Extreme Correlation Effects in the Elusive Bound Spectrum of C60-// J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013), 3319-3324
- Квантово-химическая модель реакции нуклеофильного присоединения метанола и метантиола к ацетилену в суперосновной системе KOH—DMSO / Н. М. Витковская, Е. Ю. Ларионова, А. Д. Скитневская, В. Б. Кобычев, Б. А. Трофимов // Известия АН. Сер. Хим.– 2013, №1.– С. 27–34.
- A study of the valence shell electronic structure and photoionisation dynamics of meta-dichlorobenzene and meta-bromochlorobenzene // A. Potts, D.M.P. Holland, I. Powis, L. Karlsson, A. Trofimov, I. Bodzuk // Chem. Phys.– 2013.– Vol. 415.– P. 84-97.
- A study of the valence shell electronic structure and photoionisation dynamics of para-dichlorobenzene and para-bromochlorobenzene / I. Powis, A. Trofimov, I. Bodzuk, D.M.P. Holland, A. Potts, L. Karlsson // // Chem. Phys.– 2013.– Vol. 415.– P. 291-308.
- Н. М. Витковская, Е. Ю. Ларионова, А. Д. Скитневская, В. Б. Кобычев, Б. А. Трофимов / Квантово-химическое исследование регионаправленности и стереоселективности винилирования метанола замещенными ацетиленами в суперосновной среде KOH/DMSO // Докл. АН. – 2013. – Т.452, №3. – С. 284-286.
- Н. М. Витковская, Е. Ю. Ларионова, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Б. А. Трофимов / Квантовохимическое исследование термодинамики отдельных стадий реакций: синтеза ацетиленовых спиртов и однореакторной сборки 7-метилен-6,8-диоксабицикло[3.2.1]октанов // Известия АН. Сер. Хим., 2013, №11, С. 2306-2310.
- Expedient one-step synthesis of nitrogen stilbene analogs by transition metal-free hydroamination of arylacetylenes with pyrroles / M.Yu. Dvorko, E.Yu. Schmidt, T.E. Glotova, D.A. Shabalin, I.A. Ushakov, V.B. Kobychev, K.B. Petrushenko, A.I. Mikhaleva, B.A. Trofimov // Tetrahedron.– 2012.– Vol. 68, Iss. 7.– P. 1963–1971.
- X-ray spectroscopy of heterocyclic biochemicals: xanthine, hypoxanthine, and caffeine / O. Plekan, V. Feyer, R. Richter, A. Moise, M. Coreno, K. C. Prince, I. L. Zaytseva, T. E. Moskovskaya, D. Yu. Soshnikov, A. B. Trofimov // J. Phys. Chem. A.- 2012.- Vol. 116.- P. 5653-5664.
- Calculations of nonlinear response properties using the intermediate state representation and the algebraic-diagrammatic construction polarization propagator approach: Two-photon absorption spectra / S. Knippenberg, D. R. Rehn, M. Wormit, J. H. Starcke, I. L. Rusakova, A. B. Trofimov, A. Dreuw // J. Chem. Phys.- 2012.- Vol. 136.- P. 064107/1-15.
- Взаимодействие метанола с гидроксидами калия и рубидия в диметилсульфоксиде / Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.В. Кэмпф, и др. // Журн. структур. химии.– 2011.– Т. 52, № 4.– С. 672–678.
Methanol interaction with potassium and rubidium hydroxides in dimethyl sulfoxide / N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, N.V. Kaempf, V.B. Kobychev, B.A. Trofimov // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2011.– Vol. 52, No. 4.– P. 652–658.
- Взаимодействие метанола, метантиола и ацетоксима с гидроксидами калия и рубидия в диметилсульфоксиде / Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.В. Кэмпф, и др. // Журн. структур. химии.– 2011.– Т. 52, № 4.– С. 679–683.
Interaction of methanol, methanthiol, and acetoxime with potassium and rubidium hydroxides in dimethyl sulfoxide / N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, N.V. Kaempf, V.B. Kobychev, A.D. Skitnevskaya, V.B. Orel, B.A. Trofimov // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2011.– Vol. 52, No. 4.– P. 659–663.
- Теоретическое исследование винилирования метанола, ацетоксима и метантиола ацетиленом в суперосновной каталитической системе KOH/DMSO / Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, и др. // Докл. АН.– 2011.– Т. 438, № 6.– С. 1–3.
A theoretical study of vinylation of methanol, acetoxime, and methanethiol with acetylene in the KOH–DMSO system / E.Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, A.D. Skitnevskaya, E.Yu. Shmidt, B.A. Trofimov // Doklady Chemistry.– 2011, Vol. 438, Part 2.– P. 167–169.
- Теоретическое исследование этинилирования формальдегида ацетиленом в системе KOH – DMSO / Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, Н.В. Кэмпф, и др. // Докл. АН.– 2011.– Т. 439, № 1.– С. 1–3.
A theoretical study of ethynylation of formaldehyde with acetylene in the KOH–DMSO system / E.Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovskaya, N.V. Kempf V.B. Kobychev, B.A. Trofimov // Doklady Chemistry.– 2011, Vol. 439, Part 1.– P. 181–182.
- Methanol vinylation mechanism in the KOH/DMSO/CH3OH/C2H2 system / N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, V.B. Kobychev, et al. // Int. J. QuantumChem. – 2011.– V. 111, No. 11.– P. 2519–2524.
- Comprehensive core-level study of the effects of isomerism, halogenation, and methylation on the tautomeric equilibrium of cytosine / V. Feyer, O. Plekan, A. Kivimäki, K.C. Prince, T.E. Moskovskaya, I.L. Zaytseva, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov // J. Phys. Chem. A.– 2011.– V. 115, No. 26.– P. 7722–7733.
- Photoinduced isomerization of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) chromophore: interplay of two torsions, a HOOP mode and hydrogen bonding. / E. V. Gromov, I Burghardt, H. Köppel, S. Cederbaum // J. Phys. Chem. A.– 2011.– V. 115, No. 33.– P. 9237–9248.
- Ab initio quantum dynamical study of photoinduced ring−opening in furan / E. V. Gromov, C. Lévêque, F. Gatti, I. Burghardt, H. Köppel // J. Chem. Phys.– 2011.– Vol. 135, Iss. 16.– P. 164305-1 – 164305-11.
- Теоретическое исследование механизма реакции винилирования метанола в системах гидроксид щелочного металла-диметилсульфоксид / Е.Ю.Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, Б.А. Трофимов // Современные проблемы органической химии, выпуск 15.– СПб, Изд-во "Лема", 2010.– C. 457–466.
- Неэмпирическое квантово-химическое исследование механизмов реакций в системе C2H2/CH3OH/KOH/ДМСО / Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, Б.А. Трофимов // Журн. структур. химии.– 2010.– Т. 51, № 3.– С. 451 – 458.
An abinitio quantum chemical study of reaction mechanisms in the C2H2/CH3OH/KOH/DMSO system / E.Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, B.A. Trofimov // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2010.– Vol. 51, No. 3.– P. 428–436
- Tautomerism in cytosine and uracil: A theoretical and experimental X-ray absorption and resonant Auger study / V. Feyer, O. Plekan, R. Richter, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, K.C. Prince, A.B. Trofimov, I.L. Zaitseva, J. Shirmer // J. Phys. Chem. A.– 2010.– Vol. 114.– P. 10270–10276.
- An experimental and theoretical study of the valence shell photoelectron spectrum of bromochlorofluoromethane/ D.M.P. Holland, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson, I. Novak, I.L. Zaitseva, A.B. Trofimov, E.V. Gromov, J. Shirmer // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2010.– Vol.43.– P. 135101/1–10.
- Theoretical study of photoinduced ring-opening in furan / E.V. Gromov, A.B. Trofimov, F. Gatti, H. Koppel1 // J. Chem. Phys.– 2010.– Vol. 133.– P. 164309/1–10.
- Теоретическая оценка некоторых взаимодействий в системе ацетилен – гидроксид щелочного металла – ДМСО / Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, Е.Ю. Ларионова и др. // Журн. структур. химии.– 2009.– Т. 50, № 1.– С. 24 – 32.
E. Yu. Larionova, N. M. Vitkovksaya, V. B. Kobychev, I.L.Zaytseva, B. A. Trofimov, Theoretical evaluation of some interactions in the system of acetylene-alkali metal hydroxide-DMSO // J. Struct. Chem.– 2009.– Vol. 50, No. 1.– P. 18–26.
- Неэмпирическое квантово-химическое исследование механизма реакции образования этинид-иона в системе C2H2/MOH/ДМСО (M = Li, Na, K) / Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев и др. // Журн. структур. химии.– 2009.– Т. 50, № 1.– С. 33 – 39.
E.Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovksaya, V.B. Kobychev, N.V. Kaempf, A.D. Skitnevskaya, B.A. Trofimov, Abinitio quantum chemical study of the reaction mechanism of ethynide ion formation in the C2H2/MOH/DMSO system (M = Li, Na, K) // J. Struct. Chem.– 2009.– Vol. 50, No. 1.– P. 27–33.
- V. Feyer, O. Plekan, R. Richter, M. Coreno, G. Vall-llosera, K. C. Prince, A. B. Trofimov, I. L. Zaytseva, T. E. Moskovskaya, E. V. Gromov, J. Schirmer, Tautomerism in cytosine and uracil: An experimental and theoretical core level spectroscopic study // J. Phys. Chem. A.- 2009.- Vol. 113, Iss. 19.- P. 5736-5742.
- O. Plekan, V. Feyer, R. Richter, M. Coreno, G. Vall-llosera, K. C. Prince, A. B. Trofimov, I. L. Zaytseva, T. E. Moskovskaya, E. V. Gromov, J. Schirmer, An experimental and theoretical core-level study of tautomerism in guanine // J. Phys. Chem. A.- 2009.- Vol. 113, Iss. 33.- P. 9376-9385.
- I. L. Zaytseva, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, O. Plekan, V. Feyer, R. Richter, M. Coreno, K. C. Prince, Theoretical and Experimental Study of Valence-Shell Ionization Spectra of Guanine // J. Phys. Chem. A.- Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable), Publication Date (Web): October 2, 2009 (Article).- 8 pages.
- D.M.P. Holland, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson, I.L. Zaytseva, A.B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, A study of the valence shell electronic structure of uracil and the methyluracils // Chem. Phys.– 2008.–V. 353, Iss: 1–3.– P: 47–58.
- D.M.P. Holland, A.W. Potts, L. Karlsson, I.L. Zaytseva, A.B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, A study of the valence shell electronic structure of the 5-halouracils // Chem. Phys.– 2008.–V. 352, Iss: 1–3.– P: 205–216.
- O. Plekan, V. Feyer, R. Richter, M. Coreno, M. de Simone, K. C. Prince, A. B. Trofimov, E. V. Gromov, I. L. Zaytseva, J. Schirmer, A theoretical and experimental study of the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of nucleobases: Thymine and adenine // Chemical Physics.– 2008.– Vol. 347, Iss. 1–3.– P. 360–375.
- M. Groot, E. Gromov, H. Köppel, W. Buma, High-resolution spectroscopy of methyl 4-hydroxycinnamate and its hydrogen-bonded water complex // J. Phys. Chem. B.– 2008.– Vol. 112, No. 14.– P. 4427–4434.
- А.Б. Трофимов, И.Л. Зайцева, Т.Э. Московская, Н.М. Витковская, Теоретическое исследование фотоэлектронных спектров фурана, пиррола, тиофена и селенофена // Химия гетероцикл. соединений.– 2008.– № 9.– С. 1366 –1379.
A. B. Trofimov, I. L. Zaytseva, T. E. Moskovskaya, N.M. Vitkovskaya, Theoretical study of the photoelectron spectra furan pyrrole, thiophene, and selenophene // Chem. Heterocycl. Compd.–2008.– Iss. 9.– P. 1366 –1379.
- В.Б Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов. Теоретическое исследование [1,3]-прототропных перегруппировок оксимов и их эфиров // Журн. структур. химии.– 2008.– Т. 49, № 2.–С. 230–237.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, B.А. Trofimov, Theoretical study of the [1,3]-prototropic rearrangements of oximes and their ethers // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2008.– Vol. 49, No. 2.– P. 216-223.
- Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, Н.В. Кэмпф, Б.А. Трофимов, Неэмпирическое квантово-химическое исследование механизма образования метоксид-иона в системах МОН/ДМСО/СН3ОН (М=Li, Na, K) // Журн. структур. химии.– 2008.– Т. 49, № 4.–С. 623–627.
E.Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovksaya, V.B. Kobychev, N.V. Caempf, B.A. Trofimov, Ab initio quantum-chemical study of the mechanism of methoxide ion formation in MOH/DMSO/CH3OH systems (M = Li, Na, K) // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2008.– Vol. 49, No. 4.– P. 595–599.
- N. M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, V.B. Kobychev, N.V.Kaempf, B.A.Trofimov, A theoretical study of methanol vinylation reaction mechanism // Int. J. Quantum Chem. – 2008.– Vol.108, No.14.– P. 2630–2635.
- I. Bâldea, B. Schimmelpfennig, M. Plaschke, J. Rothe, J. Schirmer, A.B. Trofimov, Th. Fanghänel, C 1s near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) of substituted benzoic acids - A theoretical and experimental study // Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena.– 2007.– Vol. 154, Iss. 3.– P. 109-118.
- I. Powis, I. L. Zaytseva, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, D. M. P. Holland, A. W. Potts, L. Karlsson, A study of the valence shell electronic structure and photoionization dynamics of selenophene // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2007.– Vol. 40.– P. 2019-2041.
- Free-radical addition of phosphine sulfides to aryl and hetaryl acetylenes: unprecedented stereoselectivity / B.А. Trofimov, S.F. Malysheva, N.K. Gusarova, N.A. Belogorlova, S.F. Vasilevsky, V.B. Kobychev, B.G. Sukhov, I.A. Ushakov // Mendeleev Communs. – 2007.– Vol. 17, No.3.– P. 181–182.
- A peculiar selective rearrangement during the NiS catalysed dehydrogenation of 4,5-dihydro-1H-benz[g]indole / B.А. Trofimov, A.M. Vasil’tsov, I.A. Ushakov, A.V. Ivanov, E. Yu. Schmidt, A.I. Mikhaleva, N.I. Protsuk, V.B. Kobychev // Mendeleev Communs. – 2007.– Vol. 17, No.5.– P. 296–298.
- E. V. Gromov, I. Burghardt, J. T. Hynes, H. Köppel, L. S. Cederbaum. Electronic structure of the photoactive yellow protein chromophore: ab initio study of the low-lying excited singlet states // J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.– 2007.– Vol. 190, P. 241-257.
- E. V. Gromov, I. Burghardt, H. Köppel, L. S. Cederbaum. Electronic structure of the PYP chromophore in its native protein environment // J. Am. Chem. Soc.– 2007, Vol. 129, P. 6798–6806.
- В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Е.Ю. Сенотрусова, Б.А. Трофимов. Неэмпирическое квантовохимическое исследование винилирования пиррола и 2-фенилазопиррола ацетиленом в системе КОН/ДМСО // Журн. структур. химии.– 2007.– Т. 48, приложение.– С. S107–S116.
V.B. Kobychev, N. M. Vitkovskaya, E. Yu. Shmidt, E. Yu. Senotrusova, B.А. Trofimov, Ab initio quantum-chemical study of vinylation of pyrrole and 2-phenylazopyrrole with acetylene in a KOH/DMSO system // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2007.– Vol. 48, Suppl. 1.– P. S100–S110. - Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Кобычев, Н.В. Шевченко, Б.А. Трофимов. Неэмпирическое квантовохимическое исследование механизмов реакций в суперосновных средах. Некаталитическое винилирование метанола. // Журн. структур. химии.– 2007.– Т. 48, приложение.– С. S101–S106.
E. Yu. Larionova, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, N. V. Shevchenko, B.А. Trofimov, Ab initio quantum-chemical study of the reaction mechanisms of acetylene in superbasic media. Noncatalytic vinylation of methanol // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2007.– Vol. 48, Suppl. 1.– P. S94–S99.
- M. de Groot, W. J. Buma, E. V. Gromov, I. Burghardt, H. Köppel, L. S. Cederbaum. Combined experimental-theoretical study of the lower excited singlet states of paravinyl phenol, an analog of the paracoumaric acid chromophore // J. Chem. Phys.–2006.– Vol. 125, P. 204303-204319.
- A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, Molecular ionization energies and ground- and ionic-state properties using a non-Dyson electron propagator approach // J. Chem. Phys.– 2005.– Vol. 123, No. 14.– P. 144115–1-144115–15.
- A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, V. B. Kobychev, A. W. Potts, D. M. P. Holland, L.Karlsson, Photoelectron spectra of the nucleobases cytosine, thymine and adenine // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2006.– Vol. 39, No. 2.– P. 305-326.
- A. B. Trofimov, I. L. Krivdina, J. Weller, J. Schirmer, Algebraic-diagrammatic construction propagator approach to molecular response properties // Chem. Phys.– 2006.– Vol. 329, No. 1–3.– P. 1–10.
- Competitive Deprotonation in Vicinal O=SCH2CH2P=O Moieties / N.K. Gusarova, N.A. Chernysheva, S.N. Arbuzova, M.V. Bogdanova, S.F. Malysheva, N.A. Belogorlova, I.A. Ushakov, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, B.A. Trofimov // Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 9.– P. 720–722.
- A. B. Trofimov, V. G. Zakrzewski, O. Dolgunicheva, J. V. Ortiz, V. F. Sidorkin, E. F. Belogolova, M. Belogolov, V. A. Pestunovich, Silicon-nitrogen bonding in silatranes: assignment of photoelectron spectra // J. Am. Chem. Soc.– 2005.– Vol. 127, No. 3.– P. 986-995.
- D. M. P. Holland, A. W. Potts, A. B. Trofimov, J. Breidbach, J. Schirmer, R. Feifel, T. Richter, K. Godehusen, M. Martins, A. Tutay, M. Yalcinkaya, M. Al-Hada, S. Eriksson, L. Karlsson, An experimental and theoretical study of the valence shell photoelctron spectrum of tetrafluoromethane // Chem. Phys.– 2005.– Vol. 308, No. 1-2.– P. 43-57.
- I. Powis, J. D. Thrower, A. B. Trofimov, T. E. Moskovskaya, J. Schirmer, A. W. Potts, D. M. P. Holland, F. Bruhn, L. Karlsson, An experimental and theoretical study of the photoelectron spectrum of hydrogen selenide // Chem. Phys.– 2005.– Vol. 315, No. 1-2.– P. 121-132.
- K. Gokhberg, A. B. Trofimov, T. Sommerfeld, L. S. Cederbaum, Ionization of metal atoms following valence-excitation of neighbouring molecules // Europhysics Lett. – 2005.– Vol. 72, No. 2.– P. 228-234.
- E. V. Gromov, I. Burghardt, H. Köppel, L. S. Cederbaum. Impact of sulfur vs oxygen on the low-lying excited states of trans-p-coumaric acid and trans-p-coumaric thio acid // J. Phys. Chem. A.– 2005, Vol. 109, P. 4623-4631.
- A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, Molecular ionization energies and ground- and ionic-state properties using a non-Dyson electron propagator approach // J. Chem. Phys.– 2005.– Vol. 123, No. 14.– P. 144115–1-144115–15.
- M. Pernpointner, A. B. Trofimov, The one-particle Green's function method in the Dirac-Hartree-Fock framework. I. Second-order valence ionization energies of Ne through Xe // J. Chem. Phys.– 2004.– Vol. 120, No. 9.– P. 4098-4106.
- J. Schirmer, A. B. Trofimov, Intermediate state representation approach to physical properties of electronically excited molecules // J. Chem. Phys.– 2004.– Vol. 120, No. 24.– P. 11449-11464.
- D. M. P. Holland, I. Powis, L. Karlsson, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, W. von Niessen, A study of the photoionisation dynamics of the cyanogen halides // Chem. Phys.– 2004.– Vol. 297, No. 1-3.– P. 55-73.
- E. V. Gromov, A. B. Trofimov, N. M. Vitkovskaya, H. Köppel, J. Schirmer, H.-D. Meyer, L. S. Cederbaum, Theoretical study of excitations in furan: Spectra and molecular dynamics // J. Chem. Phys.– 2004.– Vol. 121, No. 10.– P. 4585-4598.
- H. Köppel, E. V. Gromov, A. B. Trofimov, Multi-mode-multi-state quantum dynamics of key five-membered heterocycles: spectroscopy and ultrafast internal conversion // Chem. Phys.– 2004.– Vol. 304, No. 1-2.– P. 35-49.
- В.Б.Кобычев, Н.М.Витковская, Н.С.Клыба, Б.А.Трофимов, Неэмпирическое изучение ацетилен-алленовой перегруппировки в 2-пропаргилпирроле, 2-пропаргилфуране и 2-пропаргилтиофене // Журн. структур. химии.– 2004.– 45, № 1.– С. 7–12.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, N.S. Klyba, B.A.Trofimov, Ab Initio Study of the Acetylene–Allene Rearrangement in 2-Propargylpyrrole, 2-Propargylfuran, and 2-Propargylthiophene // Journal of Structural Chemistry.–2004.– 45 (1): 5-11. - В.Б. Кобычев, Н.В. Павлова, Исследование механизма миграции двойной связи в аллильной системе с участием гидроксид-иона. 1. Газовая фаза и модель Борна-Онзагера. // Журн. структур. химии. – 2004.– 45, № 1.–С. 13–21.
V.B. Kobychev, N.V. Pavlova, Double Bond Migration Mechanism in Allyl Systems Involving the Hydroxide Ion. 1. Gas-Phase and Born–Onsager Models // Journal of Structural Chemistry 45 (1): 12-19 - В.Б. Кобычев, Исследование механизма миграции двойной связи в аллильной системе с участием гидроксид-иона. 2. Модели поляризуемого диэлектрика (РСМ) // Журн. структур. химии. – 2004.– 45, № 1.–С. 22–30.
V.B. Kobychev, Double Bond Migration Mechanism in Allyl Systems Involving the Hydroxide Ion. 2. Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) // Journal of Structural Chemistry 45 (1): 20-27 - В.Б. Кобычев, Исследование механизма миграции двойной связи в аллильной системе с участием гидроксид-иона. 3. Приближение супермолекулы // Журн. структур. химии. – 2004.– 45, № 1.–С. 31–38.
V.B. Kobychev, Double Bond Migration Mechanism in Allyl Systems Involving the Hydroxide Ion. 3. Supermolecular Approach // Journal of Structural Chemistry 45 (1): 28-35 - В.Б.Кобычев, Н.М.Витковская, И.Л.Зайцева, Б.А.Трофимов, Квантовохимическое исследование профилей образования N-аддуктов аниона пиррола с CS2 и CO2 // // Журн. структур. химии. – 2004.– 45, № 6.–С. 990–993.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, I.L. Zaytseva, B.A. Trofimov Quantum-Chemical Study of the Profiles of Reactions that Form Pyrrole Anion N-Adducts with CS2 and CO2 // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2004.– Vol. 45, No. 6.– P. 940–944. - В.Б.Кобычев, Н.М.Витковская, Н.В.Павлова, Е.Ю.Шмидт, Б.А.Трофимов, Теоретический анализ и экспериментальное исследование пространственного строения и изомерии азина ацетона и его циклизации в 3,5,5-триметил-1Н-пиразол // Журн. структур. химии.– 2004.– Т. 45, № 5.– С. 792–799.
V. B. Kobychev, N. M. Vitkovskaya, N. V. Pavlova, E. Yu. Schmidt, B. A. Trofimov, Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of the Spatial Structure and Isomerism of Acetone Azine and Its Cyclization to 3,5,5-Trimethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole // Journal of Structural Chemistry.– 2004.– Vol. 45, No. 5.– P. 748–755. - V.B.Kobychev, N.M.Vitkovskaya, B.A.Trofimov, Theoretical study of the double bond migration mechanism with a participation of hydroxide ion // Int. J. Quantum Chem.– 2004.– V.100, No. 4.– P. 367–374.
- V.B.Kobychev, N.M.Vitkovskaya, I.L.Zaytseva, B.A.Trofimov, Pyrrole anion addition to carbon disulfide: an ab initio study // Int. J. Quantum Chem.– 2004.– V. 100, No. 4.– P. 360–366.
- E. V. Gromov, A. B. Trofimov, N. M. Vitkovskaya, J. Schirmer, H. Köppel, Theoretical study of the low-lying excited singlet states of furan // J. Chem. Phys.– 2003.– Vol. 119, No. 2.– P. 737-753.
- A. W. Potts, D. M. P. Holland, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, L. Karlsson, K. Siegbahn, An experimental and theoretical study of the valence shell photoelectron spectra of purine and pyrimidine molecules // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2003.– Vol. 36, No. 14.– P. 3129-3141.
- A. B. Trofimov, E. V. Gromov, H. Köppel, J. Schirmer, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, M. De Simone, M. Coreno, A theoretical study of the 1B1(O1s®*) and 1A1(O1s®3s) excited states of formaldehyde // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2003.– Vol. 36, No. 18.– P. 3805-3816.
- D. M. P. Holland, A. W. Potts, L. Karlsson, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, The influence of shape resonance phenomena on the valence shell photoionization dynamics of silicon tetrafluoride // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2002.– Vol. 35, No. 7.– P. 1741-1757.
- A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, D. M. P. Holland, A. W. Potts, L. Karlsson, R. Maripuu, K. Siegbahn, The influence of electron correlation and relativistic effects on the valence shell photoelectron spectrum of iodothiophene // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.– 2002.– Vol. 35, No. 24.– P. 5051-5079.
- A. B. Trofimov, G. Stelter, J. Schirmer, Electron excitation energies using a consistent third-order propagator approach: Comparison with full configuration interaction and coupled cluster results // J. Chem. Phys.– 2002.– Vol. 117, No. 14.– P. 6402-6410.
- В.Б.Кобычев, Н.М.Витковская, Н.С.Клыба, Б.А.Трофимов. Неэмпирическое квантово-химическое исследование ацетилен-алленовой перегруппировки пропаргильных систем X–CH2–CºCH (X = H, Me, NMe2, OMe, F, SMe) // Изв. АН, Сер. хим., 2002, № 5, 713-720.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, N.S. Klyba, B.A.Trofimov, Acetylene-allene reaarangement of propargyl systems X–CH2–CºCH (X = H, Me, NMe2, OMe, F, SMe): an ab initio study // Russ. Chem. Bull., 2002, 51 No. 5, 774-782. - V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, I.L. Zaytseva, E.Yu. Larionova, B.A. Trofimov. Theoretical analysis of pyrrole anions addition to carbon disulfide and carbon dioxide // Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2002, 88 No. 5, 542-548.
- V.B. Kobychev, N. M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, B.A. Trofimov, Sulfur Versus Oxygen in Interaction with the Double Bond: Ab Initio Study of Electronic Structure and Prototropic Rearrangement of 1-Methoxy-2-propene and 1-Methylthio-2-propene, // Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and Relat. Elem., 2002, 177 No. 12, 2931 - 2940.
- A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, D. M. P. Holland, L. Karlsson, R. Maripuu, K. Siegbahn, A. W. Potts, An experimental and theoretical investigation of the valence shell photoelectron spectra of thiophene, 2-chlorothiophene and 3-chlorothiophene // Chem. Phys.– 2001.– Vol. 263, No. 1.– P. 167-193.
- A. W. Potts, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, D. M. P. Holland, L. Karlsson, An experimental and theoretical investigation of the valence shell photoelectron spectra of 2-bromothiophene and 3-bromothiophene // Chem. Phys.– 2001.– Vol. 271, No. 3.– P. 337-356.
- M. S. Deleuze, A. B. Trofimov, L. S. Cederbaum, Valence one-electron and shake-up ionization bands of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. I. Benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, naphthacene, and pentacene // J. Chem. Phys.– 2001.– Vol. 115, No. 13.– P. 5859-5882.
- M. G. Giuffreda, M. S. Deleuze, J.-P. François, A. B. Trofimov, Polarization propagator study of the valence electron excitation of linear carbon clusters C3, C5 and C7 // Int. J. Quantum Chem.– 2001.– Vol. 85, No. 4-5.– P. 475-491.
- A. B. Trofimov, T. E. Moskovskaya, E. V. Gromov, H. Köppel, J. Schirmer, Theoretical study of K-shell excitations in formaldehyde // Phys. Rev. A.– 2001.– Vol. 64, No. 2.– P. 022504–1-022504–15.
- B.A.Trofimov, N.M.Vitkovskaya, V.B.Kobychev, E.Yu.Larionova, L.N.Sobenina, A.I.Mikhaleva, A.P.Demenev, Addition of pyrrole anions to carbon disulfide. Theoretical analysis // Sulfur Letters, – 2001, Vol. 24, No. 4, – P. 181-190.
- В.Б.Кобычев, Н.М.Витковская, И.Л.Зайцева, Е.Ю.Ларионова, Б.А.Трофимов, Неэмпирическое квантовохимическое исследование реакции пиррольных анионов с сероуглеродом, // Журн. структур. химии, – 2001, – Т. 42, № 4, – С. 645-653.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, I.L. Zaytseva, E.Yu. Larionova, B.A. Trofimov, Ab initio Study of the Reaction of Pyrrole Anions with Carbon Disulfide // Journal of Structural Chemistry.–2004.– 45 (4): 536–543.
- А. Б. Трофимов, Т. Э. Московская, Е. В. Громов, Н. М. Витковская, И. Ширмер, Электронные спектры остовных уровней в приближении ADC(2) для поляризационного пропагатора: молекулы моноксида углерода и азота // Журн. структур. химии.– 2000.– Т. 41, № 3.– С. 590-604.
- W. N. Pang, J. F. Gao, C. J. Ruan, R. C. Shang, A. B. Trofimov, M. S. Deleuze, Valence electron momentum spectroscopy of n-butane // J. Chem. Phys.– 2000.– Vol. 112, No. 18.– P. 8043-8052.
- D. M. P. Holland, D. A. Shaw, L. Karlsson, L. G. Shpinkova, L. Cooper, A. B. Trofimov, J. Schirmer, An experimental and theoretical investigation of the valence shell photoelectron spectrum of cyanogen chloride // Molecular Physics.– 2000.– Vol. 98, No. 23.– P. 1939-1947.
- A. B. Trofimov, E. V. Gromov, T. E. Moskovskaya, J. Schirmer, Theoretical evidence for a bound doubly-excited 1B2(C1s,n®p*2) state in H2CO below the C1s ionization threshold // J. Chem. Phys.– 2000.– Vol. 113, No. 16.– P. 6716-6723.
- В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, Н.С. Клыба, Б.А. Трофимов, Миграция кратной связи с участием протофильной частицы. Сообщение 4. Сравнительное исследование миграции двойной связи в 3-метилтиопроп-1-ене и 3-метоксипроп-1-ене // Изв. АН, Сер. хим., – 2000, № 3, – С. 407-413.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, N.S. Klyba, B.A.Trofimov, Multiple bond migration with participation of a protophilic agent. 4. Double bond migration in 3-methyithioprop-1-ene and 3-methoxyprop-1-ene: a comparative study // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2000. – Vol. 49, No. 3. – P. 408-414. - В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, Б.А. Трофимов, Миграция кратной связи с участием протофильной частицы. Сообщение 5. Миграция двойной связи в гетероаллильных системах, // Изв. АН, Сер. хим., – 2000, №3, – С. 414-419.
V.B. Kobychev, N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, B.A.Trofimov, Multiple bond migration with participation of a protophilic agent. 5. Double bond migration in heteroallylic systems // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2000, – Vol. 49, No. 3, – P. 415-420.