baikalprotection Isu - baikalprotection
Institute%20for%20Legal%20Protection%20of%20the%20Baikal%20 Institute%20for%20Legal%20Protection%20of%20the%20Baikal%20

main activities:

Analytical Work

Monitoring of international, federal and regional legislation in the field of environmental protection and environmental management in the Baikal Natural Area in order to identify gaps, contradictions, opportunities for adoption, etc.

Monitoring of law enforcement activities in the Baikal Natural Area

Legislative Activity

Development of draft laws, including amendments to existing federal, regional and local laws

Comparative Legal Analysis of

foreign legislation, law enforcement and management activities in the field of environmental protection and nature management at unique natural sites (including work on risk assessment of transboundary hydraulic projects, work on the implementation of the recommendations of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, etc.

Expert Legal Activities

Preparation of expert legal opinions on draft federal laws, draft laws of Irkutsk region, drafts of other normative legal acts

Legal expertise of current laws and other normative legal acts

Analysis of possible legal risks of various economic and other social projects related to potential environmental impact on Baikal Natural Area  

Scientific and Educational Activities

Publishing, organizing and participating in various conferences, seminars, etc.

Organizing and conducting scientific and student environmental law schools of various levels, interaction with the ISU Law Institute as part of the organization of clinical legal and continuing education

Creating a base for organizing internships, pre-degree and other practices of ISU Law Institute students

Outreach and Communication Activities

Forming an environmental and legal worldview among the residents of Lake Baikal Region; Publishing informational and educational materials

Organizing and participating in public hearings on topical issues of nature protection and management in the Baikal Natural Area

Organizing public lectures

Increasing the environmental and legal skills of government and municipal officials

Scientific and Scientific-practical Developments

in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in the Baikal Natural Area for legal entities and individuals on the basis of civil-law contracts


ongoing projects: 

Development of the scientifically grounded concept of the international legal protection of Lake Baikal ecosystem within the framework of RFBR grant A 20-011-00618 (2020-2022)


achieved results:


Carrying out expert analytical research (EAI) under the state contract between Irkutsk State University and the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the topic 112-18-04 "Legal support of state policy to preserve the ecosystem of Lake Baikal. Development of a scientifically substantiated concept for modernizing the Federal Law "On Lake Baikal Protection"


Development of a science-based concept of the international legal protection of Lake Baikal ecosystem within the framework of the RFBR grant A 20-011-00618 (interim report for 2020)

the list of top scientific publications:

  1. Kolobov R. The Ramsar Convention as an element of international legal protection of the Baikal ecosystem / R. Kolobov // Siberian Law Herald. 2020. № 1. P. 102-111.
  2. Kolobov R., Makritskaya E. — The analysis of case law related to implementation of international agreements in the area of environmental protection in Baikal Region // International Law. – 2020. – № 2. – P. 25 - 37. DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2020.2.32819 URL:
  3. Kolobov R. Potential of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage for the Socio-Economic Development of the Baikal Natural Area // Siberian Law Herald. 2020. № 2. P. 100-106
  4. Shornikov D. Some Historical Preconditions for the Formation of the Mechanism of International Legal Protection of Lake Baikal / D. Shornikov // Siberian Law Herald. - 2020. - № 1. P. 112-120.
  5. Kolobov R., Makritskaya E., Ditsevich Ya., Shornikov D. Sustainable Development in International Law: History, Normative Consolidation and Value for the Legal Protection of the Baikal World Heritage Site/ R. Kolobov // Tomsk State University Journal. - 2020. - № 460. P. 247-257 DOI: 10.17223/15617793/460/30

primary investigators

PhD (Law)
Shornikov Dmitry

Leading researcher

Scientific intrests: Environmental law, Comparative private law

Web of Science


We're all mad here

Ph.D (Law)
Ditsevich Yaroslava

Guest expert

Judicial counselor

Scientific intrests: Environmental law, Prosecutorial supervision in the area of nature legal protection

We can't make to love the nature, but we can help to love it - N.I. Sladkov