Top priority projects
Interdisciplinary Studies of the Origin and Evolution of the Universe: Synthesis of Chemical Elements, Nature and Evolution of Dark Matter and Dark Energy; Forming of the First Objects in the Universe by Methods of Cosmic Ray Physics, Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Astronomy of Ultrahigh-Energy

Lake Baikal Ecosystem as a Unique Resource Base for Outlook Studies and Research Development in the field of Ecobiotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals, Environmental Quality Control of Technologies and Environmental Monitoring

Catalysis and Quantum Chemical Modeling in Fine Organic Synthesis and Transformations of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

Geoarchaeological Phenomenon of Baikal Siberia in the Generation and Evolutionary Interaction of Eurasian Paleocultures in the System of Interdisciplinary Scientific Knowledge

Other priorities projects
Advanced Topics:
Study of the Structure and Functional Properties of Magnetically Ordered Media
Modeling the Processes of Obtaining Information from Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems during Microwave Plasma and X-ray Fluorescence Measurements
Creation of the New Polymeric Materials for Multipurpose Applying
Modern Fluorescence Methods in Condensed Matter Physics and Photonic Technologies
Development of Wave Methods for Diagnostics of Multiscale Non-stationary and Inhomogeneous Media
Dynamic Systems and Evolutionary Models: Direct and Inverse Problems, Control and Applications
Logical and Mathematical Methods in IT and Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Anthropology of Migration and Urban Development
Linguistic Theory and Language Description: Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools and Applications
Sociocultural and Linguistic Processes in Interaction between Russia and Southeast Asia
Development of Production and Food Biotechnologies based on the Preservation and Reproduction of Endemic, Rare and Protected Plants in the Baikal Natural Area
Fundamental Magnetic, Magnetoelastic, and Magnetoimpedance Properties of Rapidly Hardened Ferromagnetics based on 3d Metals
High-potential topics:
Developing a Scientific Basis for "Sustainable Development" Strategies at the Regional and Local Level
Psychology of Personal and Professional Development of a Person
Development of Social Structures and Social Institutions in the Aspect of Social Interactions between Russia and the Modern World
Strategic Directions for Ensuring the Competitiveness of the Baikal Region in the Context of Globalization
Social Consolidation and Social Reproduction of Modern Russian Society
Sociocultural Education in the System of Social and Interethnic Interactions
Space and the System "Center-Regions" in the Historical, Political and International Perspective (Siberian Continuity and Gaps)
Socio-Historical and Socio-Psychological Factors in the Formation of the Image of the Country and its Citizens: the Case of Russia and China
Study of the Processes of Mantle-Crustal Interaction and the Formation of Mineral Deposits
Language, Literature, Media, Region as Objects of Conceptual Study within the Framework of an Interdisciplinary Integrative Approach: Fundamental and Applied Aspects
Innovative Processes in the Modern Education: Scientific and Methodological Aspect
Actual Problems of Lawmaking and Law Enforcement in the Russian Federation
Combinatorial-Logical Methods for the Analysis of Discrete Structures and the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies