isu_leading_researchers Isu - isu_leading_researchers

ISU leading researchers

Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)
Budnev Nikolay

Principal researcher (Laboratory of Elementary Particle Astrophysics and Gamma Astronomy)

Dean of the Faculty of Physics

Scientific interests: Astroparticle Physics, Neutrino and Gamma-ray Astronomy, Hydrophysics, Geophysics

Web of Science


Science should not be an occupation, but the meaning of life

Professor, Doctor of sciences (History)
Dytlov Victor

Scientific intrests: Comparative Study of Diasporas, "Trading Minorities",the Formation of the Chinese Diaspora in Russia, Status of Migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia in Russian Provinces, the Role of Ethnomigration Processes in the Development of the Migrant Society of Eastern Russia

Ph.D (Chemistry)
Gromov Evgeniy

Senior researcher (Quantum Chemical Laboratory)

Scientific interests: Ab Initio, Theoretical Chemistry, Electronic Structure, Ab Initio Calculations, Hydrogen Bonding, XPS, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Quantum Mechanics


Research Gate

Google Scholar

We are perhaps not far removed from the time when we shall be able to submit the bulk of chemical phenomena to calculation - J. L. Gay-Lussac

Professor, Doctor of sciences (Chemistry)
Trofimov Alexander

Leading Researcher (Quantum Chemistry Laboratory)

Scientific interests: Development and Implementation of Electronic Structure Methods based on the Green's Function (or propagator) Theories

Web of Science



Professor, Doctor of sciences (Chemistry)
Schmidt Alexander

Head of the Catalytic Processes Kinetics Laboratory

Leading researcher

Scientific interests: Kinetics and Mechanisms of Palladium-catalyzed Aryl Halide Reactions

Web of Science



Unfortunately, kinetic investigation can be a painstaking job, and it is not surprising than not many people are willing to face it - prof. A. Biffis

I think most of these "not many people" seem to work at our university!