Nadezhda M. Vitkovskaya Isu - Nadezhda M. Vitkovskaya

Nadezhda M. Vitkovskaya


Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Full Professor

Education and career

1968 - Graduated from the Physical Faculty of Irkutsk State University.

1974 - Defense of a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Physics and Mathematics. Dissertation topic: in Russian "Квантовомеханический расчет электронной структуры молекул в базисе лепестковых гауссовых функций", in English "Quantum-mechanical calculation of the molecules electronic structure in the basis of petal Gaussian functions"

1980 - Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry

1989 - Defense of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry. Dissertation topic: in Russian "Квантовохимические модели элементарных актов реакций ацетилена: координация металлом и нуклеофильное присоединение", in English "Quantum-chemical models of elementary acts of acetylene reactions: metal coordination and nucleophilic addition"

1990 - Professor of the Department of Physical Methods of Analysis , Chemical Faculty, ISU

1991 - Academic title of Professor in the field of quantum chemistry

1995 - Soros Professor

1998-1999 - Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

2000-2002 - Scholarship of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Leading Scientist of Russia"

2002 - Badge № 08-351 "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation"

2018 - Awarded the title "Honored Professor of ISU"

N.M. Vitkovskaya led the course of "Quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry of molecules" at the Сhemical Faculty of ISU.

From 1999 to 2004, N.M. Vitkovskaya led the course "Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry" at the invitation of the Chemistry Department of Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude).

N.M. Vitkovskaya is a member of two specialized dissertation Councils Д 212.074.03 and Д 212.074.06 for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Research Interests – studying the electronic structure of metal complexes with acetylene derivatives, modeling intramolecular rearrangements in the series of unsaturated compounds, studying the reactivity of heterocyclic compounds, as well as systematically studying the reactions of acetylene compounds with nucleophilic reagents in superbasic media.

Main scientific achievements

The scientific work of N.M. Vitkovskaya in recent years has been supported by nine grants from the Russian Foudation for Basic Research  and grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. N.M. Vitkovskaya is the author of more than 160 works published in Russian and foreign journals. Under the guidance of N.M. Vitkovskaya successfully defended 13 candidate dissertations; her three students successfully defended doctoral dissertations.

Recent Publications


  • V.B. Orel, N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, and B.A. Trofimov / Transition-Metal-Free C-Vinylation of Ketones with Acetylenes: A Quantum-Chemical Rationalization of Similarities and Differences in Catalysis by Superbases MOH/DMSO and tBuOM/DMSO (M = Na, K) // J. Org. Chem. – 2018 – V.83, N.7 – P.3719-3726.
  • N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Orel, V.B. Kobychev, E.Yu. Schmidt, and B.A. Trofimov / Two classes of heterocycles – 6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octanes and cyclopentenols from the same reagents: a quantum-chemical comparison of mechanism // Int. J. Quantum Chem. – 2018 – e25689 (1-10)


  • N.M. Vitkovskaya, V.B. Kobychev, A.S. Bobkov, V.B. Orel, E.Y. Schmidt, B.A. Trofimov / Nucleophilic Addition of Ketones To Acetylenes and Allenes: A Quantum-Chemical Insight // J. Org. Chem. — 2017. — V. 82, N. 23. — P. 12467–12476.
  • В.Б. Кобычев, В.Б. Орел, Д.В. Занков, Н.М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантово-химическое моделирование катализируемых супероснованием реакций ацетофенона и метилмезитилкетона с ацетиленом // Изв. АН, Сер. хим. — 2017. — N. 12. — P. 2227–2233
  • А.Б. Трофимов, А.М. Белоголова, Д.Ю. Сошников, Т.Э. Московская, Н.М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Пропагаторное квантово-химическое исследование S-цис-(Z)-2-(2-формилэтенил)пиррола: электронная структура и аспекты проявления внутримолекулярной водородной связи в спектрах ионизации // Изв. АН, Сер. хим. — 2017. — N. 12. — P. 2241–2247.
  • N. M. Vitkovskaya, V. B. Kobychev, A. D. Skitnevskaya, V. B. Orel, A. S. Bobkov, A. A. Zubarev, and B. A. Trofimov / Synthesis of divinyl sulphide via addition of hydrogen sulfide anion to acetylene in alkaline metal hydroxide/DMSO superbasic system: A quantum-chemical insight // Tetrahedron Lett. – 2017. – Vol. 58, No 1 – P. 92–96.
  • N. M. Vitkovskaya, V. B. Orel, V. B. Kobychev, A. S. Bobkov, E. Yu. Larionova, and B. A. Trofimov / Exploring acetylene chemistry in superbasic media: a theoretical study of water impact on vinylation and ethynylation reactions with acetylene in KOH/DMSO and NaOH/DMSO systems // J. Phys. Org. Chem. – 2017. –No 30. – P. 3669 (1-11) doi: 10.1002/poc.3669.


  • D. N. Tomilin, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov, M.D. Gotsko, L.N. Sobenina, I.A. Ushakov, A.V. Afonin, A.B. Koldobsky, N.M. Vitkovskaya, B.A. Trofimov / Aluminium oxide-mediated cross-coupling of pyrroles with 1-bromo-2-(trifluoroacetyl)acetylene: a quantum-chemical insight // Mendeleev Commun.- 2016.- Vol. 26. - P. 480–482
  • N.M. Vitkovskaya, E.Yu. Larionova, V.B. Kobychev, E.Yu. Shmidt, and B.A. Trofimov / Formation mechanism and conformation structure of 2,3,4-trimethyl-1,5-di(thiophen-2-yl)pentane-1,5-dione: quantum chemical study // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2016. – Vol. 65, No 2 – P. 394–400.


  • N. M. Vitkovskaya, E. Yu. Larionova, A. D. Skitnevskaya, B. A. Trofimov / Hydrative trimerization of acetylene into 2-vinyloxy-1,3-butadiene in the KOH/DMSO system: a quantum chemical insight // Tetrahedron Letters. ­– 2015. – Vol. 56. – P. 1063–1066
  • В.Б. Кобычев, В.Б. Орел, Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантовохимическое исследование стереоселективности нуклеофильного присоединения 2-метилциклогексанона к фенилацетилену // Докл. АН.  – 2015 – Т. 461, № 6. – С. 669–672.
  • В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская, В.Б. Орел, Е.Ю. Шмидт, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантово-химическое реакций алкил- и арилкетонов с фенилацетиленом под действием супероснования KOH—DMSO // Изв. АН. Сер. хим. – 2015. – № 3 – С. 518–524.
  • D. A. Shabalin, M.Yu. Dvorko, E.Yu. Schmidt, I. A. Ushakov, N.I. Protsuk, V. B. Kobychev, D.Yu. Soshnikov, A.B. Trofimov, N. M. Vitkovskaya, A. I. Mikhaleva, B. A. Trofimov / 3H-Pyrroles from ketoximes and acetylene: synthesis, stability and quantum-chemical insight// Tetrahedron. ­– 2015. – Vol. 71. – P. 3273–3281.


  • В.Б. Кобычев, Н.М. Витковская. Основы теории групп и ее химические приложения – ООО «Издательство «Аспринт», 2014. – 108 с.
  • Н.М. Витковская, Е.Ю. Ларионова, В.Б. Кобычев, А.Д. Скитневская, Б.А. Трофимов / Квантовохимическое исследование селективности реакций нуклеофильного присоединения метантиола к замещенным ацетиленам в суперосновной среде KOH/DMSO // Докл. АН. – 2014. – Т.456, №5. – С. 549–551.
  • В. Б. Кобычев, В. Б. Орел, Н. М. Витковская, Б.А. Трофимов / Теоретическое исследование реакций ацетона с ацетиленом и фениацетиленом в суперосновной системе KOH/DMSO // Докл. АН. – 2014. – Т.457, №2. – С. 179–181.