ISU Scientific Research Institute for Legal Protection of Lake Baikal Isu - ISU Scientific Research Institute for Legal Protection of Lake Baikal

ISU Scientific Research Institute for Legal Protection of Lake Baikal

ISU Scientific Research Institute for Legal Protection of Lake Baikal was founded in May, 2018. The Institute operates in close cooperation with Baikal Interregional Environmental Prosecutor’s Office in a variety of spheres, including monitoring and analysis of law enforcement activities over the Baikal conservation area, conducting legal review and regulation in environmental issues, etc. In the field of environmental protection and natural resource use, fruitful cooperative work is done with designated federal authorities, state government bodies of Irkutsk region and other federal subjects in Baikal conservation area, and agencies and organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.          

Scientific research aimed at investigating legal protection of Lake Baikal has been carried out by ISU Law Institute for 25 years. Throughout the period, academic and educational articles, monographs, collected works have been published, practical research conferences, forums and seminars, summer schools of law studies have been organized, thesis research work and expert analysis have been conducted in the field of rule-making and law enforcement. 

Primary fields of expertise:

Legal drafting: participation in creating draft laws and regulations, including amended regulations at federal, regional and local level. The Institute, in association with Baikal Interregional Environmental Prosecutor’s Office, Irkutsk regional government, and Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is currently participating in the project on creating the Natural resource use regulations in the Central ecological area of the Baikal-designated natural territory.  

Analytical work: monitoring and system analysis of international, federal, and regional legislation in the sphere of environmental protection and natural resource use in the Baikal-designated natural territory, with the purpose of identifying deficiencies of law; monitoring and system analysis of legitimate and regulatory enforcement. 

Comparative legal analysis of foreign and regional legislation, law enforcement and management activities pertaining to natural resource use and environmental protection of unique natural sites; analysis and assessment of international experience relevant to the problems under study. 


Address: Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya st., 10, office 220 (Department of International and Comparative Law)

Tel.: +7 (3952) 521-187
