Faculty of Geology Isu - Faculty of Geology

Faculty of Geology

ISU Branch


Topic of Research

The most important results for the last 5 years




Faculty of Geology

Department of Geochemistry

Change of microcomponent composition of Lake Telman sediment

Studied spore-pollen composition and determined the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon

V. Bychinsky


Department of Oil and Gas Geology

Neoproterozoic dike swarms in the south of the Siberian craton

Development of a scientific and educational eco-radiation test site to study the formation and impact of geopathic zones on biota and human health in the Trans-Baikal National Park

D. Abalakov


Scientific expedition to Patomsky volcano

Completed a set of geochemical studies of the volcano and its surroundings. Took samples of free and water-dissolved gas, water, soil and rocks

V. Isaev


The problem of formation and migration of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins of the Baikal Rift System

Studied the formation and migration of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins of the Baikal Rift System

V. Isaev


Department of Dynamic Geology

Basit-ultrabasit magmatism in the geological evolution of the Earth

Systemized geological and geochemical data on mafic-ultramafic complexes of the entire geological history of the Earth. Presented a comparative analysis of magmatism of early (lunar and nuclear) and advanced (continental and oceanic) stage of the Earth's evolution. Developed recommendations on the search for Ni-Cu-PGE-deposits related to mafic-ultramafic complexes of early and advanced evolution of the Earth.



Vitims and Dariganga Cenozoic volcanic fields:

a comparative study of geology and abyssal petrogenesis

Studied the geological structure of the Dariganga volcanic field. Established a model of uniform mantle source magnatism based on analyses of petrogenic, microelement and isotope data obtained from volcanic rocks.



Analytical review of materials on Cenozoic magmatism and modern geodynamic activity of the mantle and crust of Central Asia

Defined the modern geodynamic condition of the mantle and the crust in terms of a spatial-temporal activity of the mantle sources for the Cenozoic volcanism in Central Asia, and made a concrete assessment of the condition of the crust and the degree of seismic danger of active faults for the densely populated southern part of the territory of the Irkutsk region and the western part of Buryatia: the highest degree of danger was found in Tunkinsky, Glavny Sayan and Obruchevsky, based on the results of monitoring variations of geochemical and isotopic-geochemical parameters of the hydrosphere, which reflect the development of current deformation processes.

S. Rasskazov



Department of Geochemistry

Radioactive elements in the environment of the Baikal region

Created a computer database of radioactive elements in the environment of the Baikal region.

V. Grebenshikova
