Faculty of Chemistry Isu - Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry

ISU Branch



Topic of Research

The most important results for the last 5 years



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Faculty of Chemistry

Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry of complex compounds in transition metals of low oxidation. Inorganic ion-exchangers based on tin phosphate. Bioinorganic electrochemistry as applied to the solution of some health problems, and the creation of microbial fuel elements. Chemistry and Electrochemistry of natural bioactive compounds.


· Conducted research on the theoretical questions of electrochemical determination of nitrogen monoxide and molecular oxygen in biological tissue in vitro;

· Made a detailed elaboration of the mechanism of antioxidant activity using models and structural analogues of the most active natural antioxidants;

· Conducted exploratory research on the development of targeted synthesis methods for inorganic sorbents, by obtaining the fundamental knowledge of their structure, studying ion exchange characteristics by splitting elements with similar properties;

· As a result of the research new scientific evidence were acquired to optimize the analytical determination of nitrogen monoxide and molecular oxygen when they are simultaneously present in biological tissue;

· New information was acquired on the the mechanism of electrooxidation of natural antioxidants as well as their analogues and models of their structural fragments;

· New data was acquired in the development of targeted synthesis methods for inorganic sorbents, to study their structure and ion exchange characteristics when splitting elements of similar properties.





Scientific and Research Institute of Oil and Coal-Chemical Synthesis

Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry