Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies Isu - Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies

Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies

ISU Branch


Topic of research

The most important results for the last 5 years



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Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies

Department of Botany

Study of the peculiarities of the composition, genesis and allocation patterns of vegetation cover in the South of East Siberia

  • · Compiled and published a summary of the flora of vascular plants in the Irkutsk region.
  • · Prepared lists of species and preliminary publications on the vegetation of some protected areas in the region.
  • · Prepared essays for the Red Book of the Irkutsk region and Republic of Buryatia.






Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology


Long-term dynamics of Baikal phytoplankton

  • · Explored the tendencies of modification in Baikal plankton.
  • · Developed a composite index reflecting the health status of aquatic ecosystems. Its efficacy was proven in Lake Baikal, the reservoirs of the Angara River, and Lake Leman.





Study of the mechanisms of resistance among aquatic organisms to stressful environmental factors, for example, the highly specialized  endemic species of Baikal

  • · Conducted a comprehensive comparative experimental study of the behavior of the representatives of the Baikal and Palearctic hydrobionts towards the main abiotic factors of environment and intoxication.
  • · Traced the most important patterns in the development of stress reactions of hydrobionts, from basic behavioral reactions to processes at the cellular level.
  • · Obtained data on the nature of thermal preference and extent of
    thermal resistance of species
  • · Assessed preferred levels of pH-environment
  • · Installed and compared interspecific indicators of toxic resistance, the peculiarities of
    sensitivity to oxygen deficiency
  • · Evaluated the effect of low oxygen levels on thermal and toxic resistance of different species of hydrobionts.





Fauna, ecology and evolution of Baikal amphipods


Conducted a taxonomic revision of Baikal amphipods and their ecology.






Processes of transformation and elimination of xenobiotics, biotesting of natural and waste waters

  • · Investigated the ecological features of Baikal invertebrates and the Baikal region water bodies, as well as their role in the processes of self-purification.
  • · Investigated the toxic impact of petroleum products on hydro and geobionts and the processes of transformation and detoxification of oil hydrocarbons using microorganisms, worms and humic compounds.
  • · Examined the interconnections between the toxicity of the pollutants and their chemical structure.
  • · Developed a set of highly sensitive rapid methods for biotesting natural and waste water, soil, waste; reclamation of landfill, of drilling and exploitation sites where they extract minerals, in particular the mining industry, waste banks and stone deposits, for ecological production monitoring.
  • · Developed technology to strengthen wastewater treatment and prevent the fouling of water supply systems.






Fauna and ecology of Baikal insects. Problems of invertebrate conservation.

  • · Inventoried a number of new ground beetle species from various regions of Siberia.
  • · Got new data on the species composition and ecology of different groups of insects.
  • · Studied in detail the fauna and ecology of ground beetles of the Khamar-Daban.
  • · Participated in the preparation of the Red Book of the Irkutsk region.





Department of Vertebrate Zoology and Ecology


The structure of the fish population in the reservoirs of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ)

  • · Created the first complete list of the fish water bodies of BRZ.
  • · Obtained data on the structure of fish populations in rivers, lakes and BRZ lake systems, regularities of its formation depending on the genesis of the reservoirs, the influence of abiotic and biotic factors and the degree of anthropic impact.
  • · Obtained new data on the biology of most species of BRZ fish on the basis of long-term materials
  • · Studied the ecology of a number of endemic Baikal Cottoidei fish in detail







Nutrition and food relationships of  the fish of Lake Baikal and other water bodies in the south of East Siberia

  • · Studied fish diet and trophic relationships of fishing communities in various areas of Baikal and a number of model reservoirs in the south of East Siberia.
  • · Uncovered features of the formation of trophic relationships in heterogeneous reservoirs.







Assessment of anthropogenic impact on productivity of fishing ponds in the Irkutsk region

  • · Defined species composition, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of zoo-plankton and zoo-benthos of water bodies of the Irkutsk region.
  • · Established the species composition of fish, peculiarities of their distribution and biological characteristics, defined the parameters of the populations of the main commercial fish species.
  • · Established the main types of anthropogenic impact on water bodies.
  • · Prepared a fishery statement aimed at increasing the productivity of the Bratsk reservoir and improving the quality of fish products.







Assessment of the current state of biodiversity in protected areas of the Irkutsk region.


Identified species composition, qualitative and quantitative indicators of flora and fauna in the reserves, sanctuaries and national parks of the Irkutsk region.











Grayling (Thymallus Cuvier, 1829) of the Holarctic (systematics, phylogeography, peculiarities of ecology)

  • Conducted a revision of the taxonomic composition of p. Thymallus based on the integrated use of  morphological and molecular genetic analyses.
  • · Defined two new species and one subspecies for the first time.
  • · Promoted a number of forms previously considered subspecies of the Siberian grayling to the rank of species.
  • · Specified areas and zones of sympatric habitat of various species of grayling, identified forms with uncertain taxonomic status, the study of which shall be continued.
  • · Examined the factors that determined graylings' microevolutionary processes in water bodies of various types.
  • · Established centers of speciation and allocation of grayling fish.





Department of Soil Studies and Evaluation of Land Resources


Soils of the Baikal region- chronicle of the natural and climatic conditions. Present ecological conditions and environmental management

  • · Investigated fossil soil of late Cenozoic (problems of paleogeography, strategy, paleopedo- genesis, geoarchaeology).
  • · Conducted an evaluation of the modern condition of soils of the South of Eastern Siberia (genesis, geography, soil classification).
  • · Developed proposals on environmental management of soils.

N. Granina






Department of Physical and Chemical Biology


Study of the evolutionary, ecological and physiological aspects of functioning of biological subjects in East Siberia and the search for possible ways to use them in biotechnology.


Prof. V. Salovarova






A comparative study of the evolutionary histories of Baikal animals through comparing nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genes

- Investigated the peculiarities of molecular evolution in some species-rich groups of Baikal endemic species;
- Published six articles in peer-reviewed journals (three of them international);

- Two PhD theses and three research papers were prepared and defended.


Prof. D. Scherbakov







Biochemistry and Microbiology of the decomposition of plant materials

  • · Studied the peculiarities of microbiological and enzymatic conversion of lignocellulosic substrates
  • · Prepared and defended two PhD theses, published articles and a textbook

Prof. V. Salovarova






Biotechnological processing of raw vegetable materials, including the acquisition of useful products for agriculture, medicine, food industry and protection of environmental surroundings

  • · Ways of pre-treatment of lignocellulosic substrates and conditions of their bioconversion to utilize lignocellulosic waste and produce valuable products.
  • · Published a textbook, scientific articles and defended theses and two Ph.D. dissertations

Prof. V. Salovarova






The study of polysaccharides of plant origin to estimate their pre-biotic activity

  • · Estimation of polysaccharides of plant origin on the basis of physiological and biochemical properties of bifidobacteria in their cultivation.
  • · Ten articles published in scientific journals (five from the list of Higher Attestation Commission);
  • · Prepared and defended two theses

G. Yurinova, Associate Professor






Biotechnological potential of microbial communities in the low temperature habitats

  • · Evaluated microbial communities in the low temperature habitats and explored their biotechnological potential
  • · Published six articles in scientific journals and three textbook

N. Belkova, Associate Professor






Cytological and molecular bases of animals' chemoreception resulting from their ecology and life-cycle phases

  • · Discovered a method of non-invasive intensification of the neurogenesis processes in olfactory epithelium with the help of water-soluble non-toxic substances
  • · Published six articles in scientific journals (four in journals from the list of Higher Attestation Commission).

I. Klimenkov, Associate Professor






Impact of aero emissions from  industrial facilities producing aluminium on soil microcenosis, and safety of agricultural products

  • Investigated how the structure of microcommunities and activity of microbial exoenzymes are affected by the content of pollutants;
  • Developed methods for remediation of soils contaminated with fluoride.
  • Published seven articles in scientific journals (five from the list of Higher Attestation Commission);
  •  Prepared and defended one PhD dissertation and seven theses

A.Pristavka, Associate Professor


O.Berseneva, Senior Lecturer






Study of structural and functional disorders of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

  • · Described the structural-functional changes of mitochondria of dyslipoproteinemic liver cells to identify evaluation criteria for the diagnosis of mitochondrial dysfunction and predict the progress of liver disease.
  • · Published eight peer-reviewed articles and one monograph;
  • · Prepared and defended three theses (two at Irkutsk State Medical University)

N. Sudakov, Associate Professor





Study of bacterial metals leaching from the waste piles of a surface coal mine


Prospective producers were found and characterized in mineral samples in coal fields


O. Berseneva, Senior Lecturer