Isu - News - ISU joined the Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities ISU joined the Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities
ISU joined the Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities
7 June 2024

Irkutsk State University has joined the Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities. This event opens up new opportunities for cooperation with educational institutions in China.

The goal of the Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities is to create a platform for Chinese-Russian cooperation in the field of language education, academic exchange and sharing of resources, training of highly qualified specialists, deepening language education, exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities, promoting cooperation between China and Russia and strengthening friendship between the two peoples.

The opening ceremony took place on May 18 in Harbin. The Alliance of Chinese-Russian Language Education Universities was established on the initiative of Heilongjiang University (PRC) and Moscow State Linguistic University (RF). The Alliance includes 23 universities in Russia and 38 universities in China.

Within the framework of cooperation, it is planned to hold joint conferences, cultural exchange summer schools, festivals, exchange of students and teachers, to invite researchers from the universities of the Alliance, compile and publish bilingual books. This is an important event, that will enable ISU to expand international relations and improve the quality of education.


Heilongjiang University is the first language university founded by the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China. It is the leader in the PRC in terms of the number of trained specialists with the Russian language: more than 30 graduates of the university have become Consuls and Ambassadors working in Russia. In June 2023, a delegation from Heilongjiang University paid an official visit to ISU.