Isu - News - ISU entered the new international ranking of universities attractive to foreign citizens ISU entered the new international ranking of universities attractive to foreign citizens
ISU entered the new international ranking of universities attractive to foreign citizens
30 May 2024

Irkutsk State University has become one of the best universities for foreign students according to the Best Value Rankings for International Students 2023-2024. In the University Database on the Study Abroad Aide website, ISU is ranked 1452nd (top 19% of universities in the ranking) out of more than 8,000 public universities from 69 countries.

The main criterion for university evaluation is the ratio “academic quality – tuition rates for foreign students”. As reported by the ranking compilers: “the universities are assessed by independent experts, which allows to conduct an objective analysis of the quality of the educational process at universities, taking into account such factors as student learning outcomes, the level of qualification of the teaching staff, comparison with other universities, etc.”

Besides ISU, other Irkutsk universities were also included in the ranking: INRTU is in 2837th place (the best 36% of universities), BSU is in 4443rd place (the best 56%), ISMU is in 6118th place (the best 77%)

Best Value Rankings for International Students is an annual ranking, which determines the educational institutions offering the best education quality while being among the most affordable. The latest ranking assessed 8,060 public and private universities from 69 countries.