Isu - News - The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University journal has entered the list of the top journals in the world and in Russia for the third time The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University journal has entered the list of the top journals in the world and in Russia for the third time
The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University journal has entered the list of the top journals in the world and in Russia for the third time
15 May 2024

“The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University” journal, the Mathematics series has been included in the list of the top world and Russian journals for the third year in a row.

The latest ranking of scientific journals published the results of the year 2023. It is calculated by one of the most influential prestige indicator systems – SCIMago Journal Rank. The ranking is based on the international citation system “Scopus”. According to its results, each edition indexed by this system belongs to one of four groups (quartiles). The journals from the first quartile (Q1) have the highest rates.

The journal has been steadily included in Q2 since 2021. In the Russian part of the ranking in the category “Mathematics” the magazine takes the 3rd place.

Among Russian mathematical editions, only the Moscow Mathematical Journal is included in the first quartile, 7 journals are included in Q2, 19 in Q3 and 22 in Q4. The Russian Science Foundation will count 1 article in journals from Q1 or Q2 for 2 publications in top rated journals in the reports of its grant receivers.

As of May 2024, The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, the Mathematics series released 60 editions and published 617 articles. Over the 17 years of its existence, a stable core of the journal’s authors has been formed, including leading Russian and foreign scientists, as well as young researchers publishing their first scientific results.