Isu - News - Current Problems of Modern Russian Studies Current Problems of Modern Russian Studies
Current Problems of Modern Russian Studies
5 May 2024
WhatsApp Image 2024-04-29 at 14.12.21

The Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics of ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics held the XXI Interuniversity student scientific and practical conference “Current Problems of Modern Russian Studies”.

The conference was attended by 34 students from Irkutsk universities:

  • Irkutsk State University (International Institute of Economics and Linguistics and Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication);
  • Irkutsk National Research Technical University;
  • Baikal State University;
  • Irkutsk State Transport University.

The conference was opened by Elena Krainova, Deputy Director of the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics. Students of three universities made their presentations at the plenary session:

  • Wang Ting, 2nd year graduate student, ISU IIEL;
  • Li Masha, 1st year graduate student, BSU;
  • Zhang Yingxi, 3rd year undergraduate student, ISTU.

The topics of the presentations were distributed in the following areas: problems of linguoculturology and intercultural communication, contrastive analysis of the language system of Russian and other languages, methods of teaching foreign languages and RFL.

Doumbia Sakinah Alima, foreign student from Côte d'Ivoire, 4th year student at INRTU:

It was my first experience of giving a presentation at a linguistics conference. The presentations were very interesting and the event itself was well organized. I gained not only the experience of public speaking and participating in discussions, but also learned something new.