Isu - News - Tourism as a key factor in regional development. Research and practical solutions Tourism as a key factor in regional development. Research and practical solutions
Tourism as a key factor in regional development. Research and practical solutions
17 April 2024

ISU Faculty of Business-Communication and Computer Science (FBCCS) hosted an International scientific and practical conference “Tourism as a key factor in regional development. Research and practical solutions”.

At the plenary session, the participants of the conference were welcomed by the Rector of ISU, Alexander Schmidt. ISU representatives and guests of the conference talked about the state of the tourism and hospitality industry in the region, trends in digital tourism, features of recreational and geographical research of Lake Baikal, participation of large companies in regional tourism.

The conference included the sections “Sustainable Tourism Development: Problems and Potential”, “Hospitality Industry: Creative Trends and Modern Technologies”. The participants found interesting the section “Practices of the Future”, where they discussed the virtual sphere and reconstruction of Irkutsk in augmented reality, virtual guides and bringing the museum exhibits to life.

Daniil Maryshkin, a graduate of ISU FBCCS, director of the “Territory Baikal” company, held a workshop “Failures and fatal mistakes in the field of service and tourism”, during which the students were solving different cases.

The conference was held with the support of the Irkutsk region Tourism Agency, the Administration, the Irkutsk Public Chamber and the Federal State-funded Institution “Zapovednoye Pribaikalie” [Reserved Baikal Region].