Isu - News - Interuniversity Olympiad was held at ISU Interuniversity Olympiad was held at ISU
Interuniversity Olympiad was held at ISU
5 April 2024

The International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of ISU hosted the annual Interuniversity Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign language. The theme of the Olympiad was family and traditional family values, as the year 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in Russia.

Students of preparatory faculties and departments, undergraduate and graduate students from China, Mongolia, Togo, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan competed in the mastery of the Russian language. They represented Irkutsk State University (ISU), Irkutsk State Agrarian University (IrSAU) named after A.A. Ezhevsky, Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS), Irkutsk State Medical University (ISMU) and Baikal State University (BSU).

The Olympiad participants were divided in four levels of language proficiency: level A1 (elementary level), level A2 (basic level); level B1 (certification level I); level B2 (certification level II).

Winners of the Olympiad by levels:

Elementary level (A1):

  • 1st place: Li Chang (ISU IIEL);
  • 2nd place: Kouassi N’Guessan Affoue Hermine (ISMU);
  • 3rd place: Xie Yulong (ISU IIEL) and Assogba Semevo Magloire (BSU).

Basic level (A2):

  • 1st place: Qurbonov Isfandiyor (ISMU);
  • 2nd place: Ulziybayar Oyu-Erdene (ISU IIEL);
  • 3rd place: Wang Qixiang (ISU IPFLMC) and Li Xiaobo (BSU).

Certification level I (B1):

  • 1st place: Shao Minghao (ISU IPFLMC) and Enkhtur Emuuzhin (IrGUPS);
  • 2nd place: Tan Yali (BSU);
  • 3rd place: Liangliang (BSU) and Azimkhan Janyerkye (ISU IPFLMC).

Certification level II (B2):

  • 1st place: Liu Chao (ISU IPFLMC);
  • 2nd Place: Wei Zhizhong (ISU IIEL);
  • 3rd place: Xu Mengmeng (ISU IPFLMC).

Svetlana Valiulina, Head of ISU IIEL Department of Russian as a Foreign Language:

Such an event is held in Irkutsk only at ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics and it unites international students from all universities of the city.

Russian as a Foreign Language Olympiad provides an opportunity for the international students to show themselves and their knowledge of the Russian language and culture. This is a great way of motivating the students to learn the language and reveal their potential.

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