Isu - News - An art laboratory created jointly with a Chinese university has been opened at ISU An art laboratory created jointly with a Chinese university has been opened at ISU
An art laboratory created jointly with a Chinese university has been opened at ISU
21 December 2023

Irkutsk State University and Liaoning University (PRC) have opened a joint art laboratory “Discovering China” — a unique platform for joint research and development in the field of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication, popular science and educational events aimed at a general audience.

Geographically, the laboratory is located in Irkutsk, at Irkutsk State University. It will become another signature feature of the Chinese Language Center “ISU Confucius Institute”, which has been the flagship in Chinese language teaching in the Siberian region for 16 years.

Svetlana Bayramova, Director of the Chinese Language Center “ISU Confucius Institute”:

“The art laboratory is a space that allows everyone who is interested in the Chinese language and Chinese traditions to gain new knowledge, to appreciate how rich and diverse the Chinese culture is. We consider it as a platform for interaction between two languages and two cultures and hope that the opening of this art laboratory will be an important step for the mutual understanding of each other's wonderful culture and creation of an atmosphere of friendship and trust between the peoples of Russia and China.”

The grand opening of the laboratory took place on December 16th as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Russian and Chinese universities. The ceremony was attended by the ISU Rector, Professor Alexander Schmidt, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Irkutsk Li Hai and Vice-rector of Liaoning University Shi Baodong. The participants of the opening noted that the idea of creating a laboratory arose a long time ago, and it was made possible to implement it in the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of relations with Liaoning University.

The Chinese university, emphasizing the importance of opening a unique international creative platform in Siberia, donated important exhibit items: traditional national costumes, Chinese art objects, Beijing Opera costumes and masks, tea ceremony tools.

At the opening of the laboratory, the participants participated in a tea ceremony, tried their hand at calligraphy, demonstrated their ability to handle chopsticks and simply got acquainted with very interesting exhibits, which have no analogues in Irkutsk.

For reference

Liaoning University is one of the oldest Chinese partners of Irkutsk State University. Cooperation between the universities is developing in various directions: academic exchange programs for students and teachers, double degree programs, development of teaching materials and activity of the Chinese Language Center “ISU Confucius Institute”.