Isu - News - 30th anniversary of cooperation with Liaoning University 30th anniversary of cooperation with Liaoning University
30th anniversary of cooperation with Liaoning University
18 December 2023

The special event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Irkutsk State University and Liaoning University (PRC) was held at the Rasputin Scientific Library.

To celebrate the event a delegation from Liaoning University, consisting of Vice-rector prof. Shi Baodong, Head of the International Department prof. Ma Shuang, Director of the Department of Archaeology and Museology of the Historical Institute prof. Jin Xudong, head of the Department for work with Confucius Institutes, junior researcher Qu Yi, arrived in Irkutsk.

Representatives of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Irkutsk, the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Irkutsk, the government of the Irkutsk Region, and the Irkutsk City Administration also took part in the event as guests.

In his welcoming speech, Alexander Schmidt, ISU Rector, spoke about the most important dates and events that have occurred since the establishment of friendly relations:

“The friendship of the two universities began in 1993, when an agreement on educational and scientific cooperation was signed. The formation of relations became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the staff of Irkutsk State University and Liaoning University.

In 1995, on the basis of ISU International Faculty, the implementation of a unique at its time joint training program of Russian and Chinese citizens in the field of economics and commercial activities in the market of goods and services began. The unique characteristic of the program was that the training was conducted according to coordinated curricula and upon graduation, ISU students received a Bachelor's degree diploma in International Commerce from Liaoning University, and LNU students received a diploma from Irkutsk State University.

During the 30 years of friendship, both universities have come a long way, have been actively developing and have occupied high positions in the higher education system of their countries. A lot has been done jointly: active academic exchanges, teacher internships, the universities organized joint scientific events, published joint textbooks, carried out cultural exchanges.

It was thanks to the long-term cooperation that it became possible to open the Chinese language center “ISU Confucius Institute” in 2007, an important platform for strengthening Russian-Chinese friendship. The results of 30 years-long friendship are reflected not only in the results of joint work, but also in the reviews of Russian and Chinese graduates, as well as in their professional career. 

We are rightfully proud of the bright pages of the history of cooperation between Irkutsk State University and Liaoning University, of the names of those who stood at the origins of this friendship, and we are grateful to those who currently ensure further bilateral cooperation, amplifying it with new directions.”

As part of the 30th anniversary, a number of professors of Liaoning University were awarded the title of “Honorary Professor of ISU”. In turn, the title of “Honorary Professor of Liaoning University” was awarded to ISU representatives who made a significant contribution to the development of cooperation: Rector Alexander Schmidt, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation Konstantin Grigorichev, Director of the Confucius Institute Svetlana Bayramova, Director of the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics Oleg Arkhipkin.

The Baikal Wushu League, Konopushki Dance Theater, Uzorochye Center for Children and Youth Creativity Development, students of ISU Confucius Institute, students of Irkutsk State and Liaoning Universities presented their performances at the event. Another part of the event was the opening of the creative laboratory of ISU Confucius Institute and workshops on its activities: calligraphy, Chinese painting, art of carving, Beijing opera, tea ceremony, Chinese chess Weiqi (held by the Moscow Go Federation).