Isu - News - The first ISU partner University from Kyrgyzstan The first ISU partner University from Kyrgyzstan
The first ISU partner University from Kyrgyzstan
7 December 2023

Irkutsk State University has a new partner university – Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Bishkek). It should be noted that this is the first agreement between ISU and a higher educational institution of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, rector of Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, and Alexander Schmidt, rector of Irkutsk State University, signed the official document. In accordance with the law, the cooperation agreement has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Schmidt, ISU Rector:

“Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University and Irkutsk State University have a lot in common. Both are classical universities with a large set of academic departments of various fields of study and a similar faculty structure. Both KNU and ISU conduct education through science and serious research work typical for a classical university. All this suggests that we have enough common ground. Our cooperation, which has received an official status, fully corresponds to the course of creating a unified educational and scientific environment. For students of KNU and ISU – it is the student relations development and the opportunity to receive the best, for the teaching staff of universities – exchange of experience in teaching approaches, and for science – accelerated development, because it is at the nexus of different approaches that new knowledge is often synthesized.”

The rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov also noted the similarity of universities in different fields, including the areas of training and training bases on Lake Baikal of ISU and on Issyk-Kul of KNU. The head of the Kyrgyz University spoke about the developed cooperation between KNU and a number of Russian universities, stressing that Kyrgyz National University is very interested in cooperation with Irkutsk classical university. In addition, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov suggested that one of the first steps to consolidate good-neighborly relations is to hold an online meeting to make acquaintance between departments interested in cooperation.

Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University is a state higher educational institution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the oldest and largest higher educational institution in the republic. It consists of 21 faculties, 2 institutes, 1 professional college. KNU is located in Bishkek and has a branch in Osh.