Isu - News - ISU has re-entered the RUR Subject Rankings 2023 ISU has re-entered the RUR Subject Rankings 2023
ISU has re-entered the RUR Subject Rankings 2023
30 October 2023

ISU has entered the Round University Ranking Subject Rankings 2023

ISU is entering the RUR ranking every year, which confirms its reputation and status as an educational and scientific institution that adheres to internationally accepted standards of research and training of specialists. It also has a positive effect on the attractiveness of the university for prospective students, employers and partners – present and potential.


The Humanities ranking takes into account research in the field of archaeology, history, cultural studies, linguistics, religion studies, philology. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 507th, among Russian universities –  ISU took the 21st place out of 78.

Life Sciences

The Life Sciences ranking takes into account research in the field of biology, biochemistry, ecology and other related disciplines. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 564th, among Russian universities – ISU took 21st place out of 79.

Natural Sciences

The Natural Sciences ranking takes into account research in the fields of astronomy, geology, mathematics, Earth sciences, physics, chemistry, ecology, etc. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 671st, among Russian universities – 38th out of 87.

Social Sciences

The Social Sciences ranking takes into account research in geography, international relations, management, pedagogy, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and law. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 917th, among Russian universities – ISU took the 81st place out of 111.

Technical Sciences

ISU, being a classical university, also entered the Technical Sciences ranking, which takes into account research at the intersection of various disciplines, for example, mathematics, physics, biology. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 972nd, among Russian universities – ISU took 92nd place out of 107.