Isu - News - ISU has re-entered the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject ISU has re-entered the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject
ISU has re-entered the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject
26 October 2023

Irkutsk State University has re-entered the subject ranking of the world’s top universities – World University Rankings 2024 by subject: physical sciences, which was published by the British magazine Times Higher Education.

In total, there are 1,370 universities in THE World University Rankings 2024 by subject: physical sciences, including 57 Russian universities. Lomonosov Moscow State University became the best university in Russia (62nd place). ISU is the only representative of the higher education organization of the Irkutsk region, it ranks 24th among Russian universities. In the overall ranking, ISU, along with several other universities (including federal and national research universities), ranks 1001+.

The level of achievements of universities in the Times Higher Education subject rankings is assessed based on the results of a statistical analysis of their activities, as well as on the results of an annual Academic Reputation Survey of representatives of the international academic and employer communities.

The Times Higher Education ranking in the category “Physical Sciences” analyzes universities by thirteen indicators. The disciplines under consideration relate to the field of natural sciences: physics, chemistry, astronomy, earth and marine sciences, mathematics and statistics, geology and astronomy.

The Times Higher Education ranking of the world’s top universities is one of the most prestigious world university rankings. Its advantage is an improved methodology developed jointly by the Times Higher Education magazine and Thomson Reuters. Currently, the ranking methodology is influenced by Elsevier and the Scopus database.

Earlier, THE published a global ranking of the top universities, which included ISU for the fourth time. 108 Russian universities were represented in the global ranking, among them ISU was ranked 10th.