Irkutsk State University demonstrated the positive dynamics in the annual National University Ranking again. According to the results of the 2022/2023 academic year, ISU is in 51st place in the ranking (56th place last year).
The ranking compiled by the Interfax information group evaluates the activities of 368 Russian universities. It includes all the leading universities of the country: 28 national research universities, 10 federal, 32 flagship universities, as well as 98 universities participating in the “Priority 2030” program. Almost all universities (except three) ranked above ISU have a special status (special funding). Among classical universities in the overall ranking, ISU ranks 23rd.
The Interfax overall rating is based on the results of six parameter-based rankings. ISU demonstrated positive dynamics in three of them: “Research”, “Socialization”, “Innovation”.
The highest growth was shown in the “Research” ranking: 50-51 place this year, in comparison with the results of the 2021/22 academic year – 95-96 place. The university has the highest indicators in the “Socialization” and “Brand” rankings – among 368 universities, ISU took 29th (in 2022 – 30th) and 37th (in 2022 – 34-35) places, respectively.
The ranking “Research” is based on eight indicators that take into account the range of master's and PhD programs being implemented, the contribution to the formation of the country's scientific and educational elite, the scientific efficiency of university authors and the citation of their articles (according to RSCI and the core of the RSCI), as well as Research and Technological Development funding in 2022.
In accordance with the methodology, the parameter “Socialization” (“Social environment”) was formed on the basis of five indicators: average salary level of research and teaching staff; continuing education; quality of the campus (dormitories for students); participation of university representatives in the development and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the country, region, city; development of the social sphere of the university.
The “Brand” includes a set of values of academic and corporate culture, which are broadcast to target audiences in accordance with the mission of the university. The assessment was carried out according to five indicators: the so-called “Elite Selection”, which analyzes the success (career, projects, research) of graduates and employees in public administration, business and the academic sphere; communication with target audiences; media activity; perception of university research by the international, as well as Russian-speaking academic community.
The assessment was carried out on the basis of processing data from questionnaires submitted by universities, available public data posted by educational institutions on their websites, public data from the information resources of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as information from the SPARK-Interfax and SCAN-Interfax information and analytical systems.
The three leaders of the overall ranking have remained unchanged since 2018: Lomonosov Moscow State University, National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).
For reference
The National University Ranking project has been implemented by the Interfax Group since 2010. Its main goal is to develop mechanisms and procedures for an independent evaluation system of Russian universities and their educational programs, to increase the competitiveness of the Russian education system, scientific research and technological entrepreneurship, and to develop federal and regional universities.