Isu - News - ISU journals were included in the first categories of the most significant scientific editions ISU journals were included in the first categories of the most significant scientific editions
ISU journals were included in the first categories of the most significant scientific editions
24 January 2023

The journals of Irkutsk State University were included in the first two categories of the most significant scientific editions, publications in which are mandatory for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations. The list of editions was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The list of the Higher Attestation Commission includes almost 2,600 editions. The list is divided into three categories according to the demand of the scientific community: 662 publications were assigned to the highest category (C1), 1300 to the average (C2), and all the others were included in the C3. The evaluation criteria consist of such indicators as the scientific citation index of the edition and authors, the level of credibility of the authors, the uniqueness of their articles, the level of the founding organization, etc.


Konstantin Grigorichev, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of ISU:

“In accordance with the new policy of the Higher Attestation Commission on periodicals for the defense of candidate dissertations in natural and exact sciences, as well as all doctoral dissertations, it is necessary to publish the research results in journals of the first and second categories from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. The requirements for members of dissertation councils have also changed: now it is mandatory for them to have annual publications in the journals of categories 1 and 2. In this regard, the inclusion of ISU scientific editions in categories 1 and 2 is, without doubt, very important for ensuring the defence of dissertations and the activities of dissertation councils on the ISU basis.”

ISU editions included in the approved categorized list:


  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Mathematics”
  • «Сибирский филологический журнал» (“Siberian Philological Journal”)


  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Biology. Ecology”
  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Earth Sciences”
  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Political Science. Religious Studies”
  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Geoarchaeology. Ethnology. Anthropology”
  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “History”
  • «Известия Иркутского государственного университета» (“News of Irkutsk State University”). Series “Psychology”
  • «Сибирский юридический вестник» (“Siberian Legal Herald”)