Isu - News - ISU and BSU students had a joint study session ISU and BSU students had a joint study session
ISU and BSU students had a joint study session
9 December 2022

On December 5th, Students of Irkutsk and Baikal State Universities in Korean studies had a joint study session in the format of a seminar-exhibition of the book collection at the ISU Scientific Library.

The thematic lesson was called "Korea: History, Politics, Culture" united students of the ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, the Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication and the Faculty of History.

At the opening of the event the students heard the speeches from the head of the research department of the ISU, the head of the ISU Center for Korean Studies Konstantin Ivanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies of the ISU Faculty of History Ilya Oleynikov, as well as the 1st category librarian of the ISU Scientific Library Nazira Sukhikh, that presented a detailed overview of the presented book collection about Korea.

Two reports were made at the seminar: One was presented by Evgenia Kolodina, the head of the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics of IIEL, Director of the Korean Language Training Center, about the Korean code of business communication and the latest trends in this area, including those related to the coronavirus pandemic. The second one was presented by Ilya Oleynikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science, History and Regional Studies of the ISU Faculty of History – presentation "Irkutsk Region and the Republic of Korea: the realities of economic interaction at the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century", he underlined the key aspects of bilateral trade in goods, services and investments at the subnational level.

At the exhibition, students got acquainted with the works of famous Korean scholars, books about the history, politics and culture of Korea, materials about the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. The attention of the participants was attracted by photographs and books from the rare fund of the scientific library dedicated to Korea and published in the middle of the XIX – early XXI century, diaries and travelogues of Russian and foreign researchers who traveled on the Korean peninsula.

Ilya Oleynikov:

    "This exhibition-seminar is the result of a long and thorough work of library staff, Russian and foreign researchers who have been writing books on Korean issues since the XIX century. After all, we get modern knowledge thanks to the work of previous generations of scientists – this is being confirmed by the experience of conferences held by the ISU Center for Korean Studies since 2020. The idea of the exhibition appeared out of the need to introduce and familiarize modern students in international relations, political studies, linguistics and regional studies to the texts that form the basis of modern Korean studies. Now knowledge is turning digital, but thoughtful work with a book, comprehensive coverage of various Korean studies disciplines allows you to look at the issues in question systematically. But one exhibition is not enough to form a full-fledged image, so we decided to provide a lecture format to attract the attention of the audience. The seminar-exhibition of the book collection creates the necessary impression and interest that are extremely necessary for a young researcher, it encourages them to join and work in library collections. Accomplished scientists can use the literature at the exhibition to introduce new data into scientific circulation, which is important for the development and advance of scientific knowledge."

Evgenia Kolodina:

    "The exhibition, which presents both modern editions and copies dating back to the XIX century, is truly amazing. Many thanks to the management and all the staff of the scientific library that worked on the creation of the exhibition. I would like to emphasize that the format of the exhibition-seminar is very up-to-date – within the framework of the event there was a lecture, which highlighted modern scientific issues and demonstrated that Korean studies at ISU are developing and contributing to the replenishment of the collection of the scientific library fund."

At the end of the event, Konstantin Ivanov and Ilya Oleynikov spoke about the work of the ISU Center for Korean Studies in 2020-2022, noted the importance of conducting educational and scientific events and inter-faculty collaborations in popularizing literature about Korea and Korean studies, expressed hope for the preservation of students' interest in the topic of studying the states of the Korean Peninsula and the work of scientists of the Center for Korean Studies in the future.

The event was organized by the ISU Scientific Library, the Departments of Political Science, History and Regional Studies and World History and International Relations of the ISU Faculty of History, the ISU Center for Korean Studies, the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, the Center for Political Analysis and Culture Studies.