Isu - News - An ISU student became a participant of the first meeting of the Youth Discussion Club "Dialogue of Russia and the Republic of Korea" An ISU student became a participant of the first meeting of the Youth Discussion Club "Dialogue of Russia and the Republic of Korea"
An ISU student became a participant of the first meeting of the Youth Discussion Club "Dialogue of Russia and the Republic of Korea"
9 December 2022

Daria Shpakova, a student of the ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, represented Irkutsk at the first meeting of the Youth Discussion Club "Russia – Republic of Korea Dialogue ".

The meeting was held under the title "Societies of Russia and the Republic of Korea through the prism of mass culture" and was devoted to a discussion based on two TV series: "Squid Game" (Korea, 2021) and "Better than Us" (Russia, 2018).

Daria Shpakova:

    "I had the opportunity to take part in the first meeting of the Youth Discussion Club, all the participants were active and expressed their thoughts and shared various ideas. I gained a valuable experience and discovered a lot of new things for myself."

Within the framework of the project, it is proposed to occasionally conduct online lectures, cross-guided tours, round table discussions, theme master classes. Each meeting can be devoted to different fields of science or culture (from art to chemistry). Then the guided tour, lecture or master class, will be followed by a discussion between young representatives of the two countries.

The “Russia – Republic of Korea Dialogue” is a forum for discussing topical public issues and issues of Russian – South Korean relations. Its main task is to establish a constructive dialogue between representatives of all public life spheres of the two countries. The forum is intended to embody a good-neighborly cooperation between the two countries and promote the establishment of closer contacts in the spheres of society, government, industry and science. This year, the management of the forum suggested to create a permanent project with the working title "Russian-Korean Youth Exchange" within the framework of the “Youth Dialogue”.