Isu - News - ISU has re-entered the subject rankings of the RUR Rating agency ISU has re-entered the subject rankings of the RUR Rating agency
ISU has re-entered the subject rankings of the RUR Rating agency
9 December 2022

Irkutsk State University continues to be one of the universities that steadily improve the image of the country. This is confirmed, for example, by entering prestigious international ratings, like today, ISU was included in the subject rankings of universities of the world published by the Round University Ranking (RUR) agency.


The Humanities ranking takes into account research in the field of archaeology, history, cultural studies, linguistics, religion studies, philology. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 535th (2021 – 633rd place), among Russian universities –  ISU took the 27th place out of 69 (2021 – 39th place).

Life Sciences

The Life Sciences ranking takes into account research in the field of biology, biochemistry, ecology and other related disciplines. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 410th (2021 – 438th place), among Russian universities – ISU took 17th place out of 63 (2021 – 16th place).

Natural Sciences

The Natural Sciences ranking takes into account research in the fields of astronomy, geology, mathematics, Earth sciences, physics, chemistry, ecology, etc. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 607th (2021 – 605th place), among Russian universities – 39th out of 73 (2021 – 46th place).

Social Sciences

The Social Sciences ranking takes into account research in geography, international relations, management, pedagogy, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and law. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 702nd (2021 – 664th place), among Russian universities – ISU took the 49th place out of 93 (2021 – 46th place).

Technical Sciences

ISU, being a classical university, also entered the Technical Sciences ranking, which takes into account research at the intersection of various disciplines, for example, mathematics, physics, biology. In the full list of universities, ISU is ranked 799th, among Russian universities – ISU took 74th place out of 90.


The RUR agency rankings are based on the data provided by Clarivate Analytics, an international company, that implements the international scientific citation database Web of Science. The analysis of participating universities is carried out according to 20 indicators that mark the university's activity in four key areas: teaching, research, international diversity, financial sustainability.