Isu - News - Riddles of China: What? Where? When? Riddles of China: What? Where? When?
Riddles of China: What? Where? When?
6 December 2022
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-30 at 12.47.15

The International Institute of Economics and Linguistics hosted the annual intellectual game "What? Where? When? – riddles of China".

This year, the game, organized by the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics of ISU IIEL, acquired the status of a city game and united teams of students studying Chinese at ISU, INRTU and BSU. The honorary guests of the finale were representatives of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Irkutsk – Li Hai, Consul General and Zhao Chunlu, Consul for Education.

The game consisted of three rounds. In the first and the second, students answered questions on history, culture, and traditions of China. In the third round, student teams played against a team of experts made up of ISU employees: Konstantin Grigorichev, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Oleg Arkhipkin, Director of IIEL, Yulia Elokhina, Head of the International Relations Department, Evgenia Kolodina, Head of the IIEL Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics, Han Laoshi, senior lecturer of the IIEL Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics.

 In the II season finale the first place was taken by the team of the ISU Law Institute, the second – by the team of the Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication of the ISU, and the third one – by the team of the Baikal State University.

Anna Litovkina, Dean of the BSU International Faculty:

"The meeting was very well organized: volunteers accompanied the guests from the beginning to the end of the event, an atmosphere of exciting thrill of the competition reigned in the hall. A friendly greeting and inspiriting words of the Consul General of the People's Republic of China encouraged the students and gave them a strive to win. All teams were named in the theme of the game. I would like to note the well-coordinated work of the organizers of the event: the questions were very difficult and interesting. With no preparation, the participants would not have been able to perform successfully. The points were very quickly calculated and announced without delay. BSU students took the 3rd place honors and were very satisfied with the results of the game. We thank the organizers for the invitation and hope for further close cooperation."