Isu - News - The possibilities of using high-precision equipment in the educational process The possibilities of using high-precision equipment in the educational process
The possibilities of using high-precision equipment in the educational process
24 November 2022

Teachers of the ISU Pedagogical Institute Department of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Teaching Methods have improved their professional competencies at the College of Aircraft Engineering and Materials at the refresher courses on advanced manufacturing technologies and the organization of practical training of students.

Elena Rogaleva, Head of the Department:

"Suring those courses we were shown the possibilities of using modern high-precision equipment, CNC machines (computer numerical controlled), 3D printers in the educational process, which is relevant for the training of both future technology teachers in connection with updating the content of the subject area, and for the practical training of students in the program "Transport". The acquired knowledge will be actively applied by the staff of the department in training sessions."

Students of the Department of Technology, Entrepreneurship and methods of their teaching are trained in two directions: "Pedagogical Education" program "Technology-Ecology" and "Professional Study" program "Transport". The disciplines of the department allow students to receive theoretical training and practical skills in processing various materials, the ability to create objects of the material world, to organize service and entrepreneurial activities.

Currently, the department has the material base for high-quality specialist training: university laboratories; carpentry and locksmith-turner training workshops; sewing workshops; food processing room; auto class.