Isu - News - Experience of the ISU Department of Pedagogy is presented at a scientific conference in Mongolia Experience of the ISU Department of Pedagogy is presented at a scientific conference in Mongolia
Experience of the ISU Department of Pedagogy is presented at a scientific conference in Mongolia
14 November 2022

Teachers of the ISU Pedagogical Institute took part in an international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mongolian primary education. At the conference, the participants discussed the most pressing problems in the education system from an economic and social points of view.

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Elena Fedotova and Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Nikitina took part from ISU. They presented a report on the topic "Organization of research work of master's degree students of the program "Educational activity in an educational establishment".

Elena Fedotova:

— The report analyzes the main innovations in the Russian educational system, focuses on the core of pedagogical education, in which a special module on educational work is allocated. We also determined the priorities of educational activity in the conditions of the university and, taking as example the master's degree program "Educational activity in an educational establishment" implemented by our Department of Pedagogy, we showed the role of students' research activities in its successful implementation. In particular, we showed the importance of competence-oriented tasks in the formation of research competencies of students, we determined the practical effect of the introduction of materials of master's theses written at the request of educational establishments of Irkutsk and Irkutsk region, and the career growth of graduates of the program was shown as well.

Taking into account the fact that the master's program "The Art of Education" is being implemented at the Mongolian State Pedagogical University, representatives of the ISU invited colleagues to develop cooperation and professional exchange in this direction.

The conference was held at the Mongolian State Pedagogical University (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia). The goal is to contribute to the creation of an educational space for the exchange of experience and presentation of promising areas of research in the field of pedagogy.