Isu - News - ISU Entered the RUR-Ranking of the Best Universities ISU Entered the RUR-Ranking of the Best Universities
ISU Entered the RUR-Ranking of the Best Universities
24 May 2022

Irkutsk State University is listed in the RUR ranking, a global ranking of universities that assesses their effectiveness in four key areas. In the overall ranking, ISU takes 694th position. At the same time, among Russian universities, ISU is placed 39th.


Professor Alexander Schmidt, ISU rector comments on:


The entry of Irkutsk State University into the prestigious global rankings indicates that the systematic work is being carried out to improve all areas of activity, and also results from the progressive movement forward in the global scientific and educational space.


Round University Ranking is the first annually published international ranking based in Russia. Since 2010, the organizers have been analyzing information on key indicators of more than thousand leading universities in the world.

Russia is represented by 116 universities. Lomonosov Moscow State University is in the first place among Russian universities.