Isu - News - New academic journal "Geology and Environment Studies" New academic journal "Geology and Environment Studies"
New academic journal "Geology and Environment Studies"
9 February 2022


The Faculty of Geology of Irkutsk State University has a new electronic scientific journal "Geology and Environment Studies". The certificate of registration on the online publication was issued in December 2021, and the first issue appeared in the public domain in early January 2022.

The journal will be of great interest to teachers, researchers, graduate students, as well as those who follow new achievements and research results related to geological processes and environmental processes associated with human impact on the environment.

The scientific and educational materials focused on the theoretical, methodological and practical results of the activities of young scientists, teachers, graduate students, masters and bachelors are published in the journal. In addition to scientific articles, the journal presents reviews of monographs, textbooks, conference proceedings, thematic reviews, and provides information about the events of scientific and educational life.

The editorial staff of the journal includes Russian, Mongolian and Chinese scientists.