The Center for Korean Studies of ISU won a grant from the Korea Foundation for the implementation of the project "Images of the Republic of Korea and the DPRK in the modern Russian society and the information space." The financial support is $30,000.
Dr Konstantin Ivanov, head of the Center for Korean Studies of ISU, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), comments on:
It is not a secret that over the past 10 years the images of the Republic of Korea and the DPRK have changed a lot, especially it effected South Korea. This is due both to the popularization of Korean pop culture and to the growth of Russians' expectations towards the Republic of Korea. We will analyze these images that exist in the Russian society and circulate in the Russian-language information space. Based on the results of the study, we will assess external and internal factors influencing the formation of images of North and South Korea in the information space of Russia. Not only the researchers of our center will be engaged in the study under the project. It is planned to involve ISU students that, of course, can encourage them to study the history, politics, culture of Korea, as well as related problems and issues of international relations.
Also, under this project, it is planned to hold an international scientific and practical conference "Russia and Korea in the modern information space" in October 2022.
The Korea Foundation supported the research projects of the Center for Korean Studies of ISU for the third time (since 2020, as a part of the Support for Policy-Oriented Research Program).
You can find more information about the activities of the Center for Korean Studies of ISU on the website of the Center, as well as in social networks: Vkontakte , Facebook .