Isu - News - The course of lectures "Russia and China: Cultural and Linguistic Exchange" Completed The course of lectures "Russia and China: Cultural and Linguistic Exchange" Completed
The course of lectures "Russia and China: Cultural and Linguistic Exchange" Completed
23 June 2021

The course of online lectures "Russia and China: Cultural and Linguistic Exchange", which was attended by the students of Irkutsk State University and the representatives of Nanjing Pedagogical Institute of Special Education of Jiangsu Province (Nanjing, China), has come to an end. This event was held within the framework of an agreement between universities at the platform of the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, ISU.

The course opening took place on June 9. Participants were greeted by:

 Xu Qiaoxian – Director of the Linguistic Institute of the Nanjing Pedagogical Institute for Special Education; Oleg Arkhipkin – Director of the ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics; Zhu Zhengdong – Head of the International Department of the Nanjing Pedagogical University of Special Education, and Yulia Elokhina – ISU International office head. 

As part of the course, lecturers of the Oriental Languages Department from the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics delivered online lectures in English and Chinese about Siberian writers, the Russian language, and Russian holidays. Teachers of the Chinese Linguistic Institute presented their reports as well. They told about Nanjing as the ancient capital of Chinese dynasties, about Chinese characters and rules for reading ancient Chinese poems.

More than 120 people took part in this online course, among them were the students of the educational departments of ISU, who are studying Chinese, and the students of the Linguistic Institute of the Nanjing Pedagogical Institute of Special Education, who are studying Russian.