Isu - News - ISU professors became members of Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences ISU professors became members of Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences
ISU professors became members of Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences
30 March 2021

Professors of Irkutsk State University were awarded certificates to confirm their full membership at Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences (IIADS).

The official documents were received by Elena Fedotova, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Institute of ISU, and Marina Golubchikova, Associate Professor, lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Institute of ISU. The certificates were presented by the 3rd secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry office in Irkutsk Daria Bashurova within the framework of the meeting of the Academic Council of ISU, held on February 26th.

The collaboration of Marina Golubchikova and Elena Fedotova with Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences began several years ago. ISU professors participated in conferences, seminars and webinars held by IIADS, their materials were accepted for publication. This year it is planned to design joint Russian-Israeli research works as well as to publish monographs on pedagogical diagnostics, comparative pedagogy, etc.