Isu - News - EU Ambassador to Russia highly appreciated the hospitality of Irkutsk State University EU Ambassador to Russia highly appreciated the hospitality of Irkutsk State University
EU Ambassador to Russia highly appreciated the hospitality of Irkutsk State University
23 November 2021

Mr. Markus Ederer, European Union Ambassador to Russia, highly appreciated the hospitality of Irkutsk State University during the official visit of the EU delegation to Irkutsk Region in the middle of October. At ISU the EU delegation had a meeting with the students and rectors of Irkutsk region Universities.

The participants of the meeting that took place at ISU discussed an academic mobility between Russia and the EU, career opportunities for Russian students in the EU, the issues of the green economy and ecology, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic problems.

Mr. Markus Ederer, EU Ambassador:

It was an honour and a great pleasure to meet with the management and students of the region’s Universities. The genuine interest in the EU-Russia relations that the students demonstrated made the exchange and interaction truly pleasant and interesting.