Isu - News - ISU researchers took part in the German-Russian Forum ISU researchers took part in the German-Russian Forum
ISU researchers took part in the German-Russian Forum
3 November 2021

ISU researchers Ms. Yulia Shirokova and Ms. Yulia Lubyaga took part in the German-Russian Forum "The Formation of Sustainable Future - New Challenges for Economics and Research" dedicated to the Year of Germany in Russia held in Yekaterinburg at Ural Federal University on October 24-26.

At the Forum, there were discussed issues and perspectives of the cooperation between Russia and Germany in the sphere of academic exchanges, support for young scientists, and online collaboration. Leaders in the fields of science, business, and innovation delivered their presentations to the participants. Besides, there were workshops and seminars for guests of the conference to share their experience in participating and organizing joint German-Russian programs.

Ms. Yulia Shirokova and Ms. Yulia Lubyaga shared their experience of conducting joint research programs. ISU Institute of Biology has been cooperating with colleagues from leading scientific institutions in Germany for 15 years. Young researchers of the Institute have participated in research internships in Germany under the DAAD academic exchange programs.