Isu - News - Mongolia - Russia: Irkutsk as a Friendship Bridge: the results of the contest summed up Mongolia - Russia: Irkutsk as a Friendship Bridge: the results of the contest summed up
Mongolia - Russia: Irkutsk as a Friendship Bridge: the results of the contest summed up
21 October 2021
mongolia - russia - irkutsk Friendship Bridge
On Monday, October 18th, the winners of the contest were awarded. The competition for students of universities and secondary schools lasted from March 1 till October 10. 
The organizing committee of “Irkutsk as a Friendship Bridge” competition included the members of the Consulate General of Mongolia in Irkutsk, faculty members of Irkutsk State University as well as the Ministry for Education of the Irkutsk region. The contest was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Russia and 50th anniversary since the establishment of the Consulate General of Mongolia in Irkutsk.
Purposes of the contest:
- to get acquainted with the historical, cultural, geographical diversity of Mongolia, its administrative division and political structure;
- to promote the international education among the young generation;
- to deepen knowledge of the development of Russian-Mongolian relations.
In total, more than 300 students took part in the contest. They competed in 3 nominations: 
research and projects; historical, patriotic and international nomination; arts and aesthetic nomination.
The solemn closing ceremony was attended by Mr. Jigmed Enkhjargal, Consul General of the Consulate General of Mongolia in Irkutsk, Mr. Choizhantsan Jargalsaikhan, adviser to the Consulate General of Mongolia in Irkutsk, ISU Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation Prof. Konstantin Grigorichev, Ministry for Education of the Irkutsk region representatives as well as other officials.