Isu - News - European Experience for ISU Researchers in Law European Experience for ISU Researchers in Law
European Experience for ISU Researchers in Law
20 September 2021
The collaboration between ISU and Liubljana University has successfully returned to the face-to-face format. The 6th International Law Academy “Russian Law in the context of Informatization of the Society and the State” was held after a long pause due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Among the participants were not only the representatives of ISU and Liubljana University, but the court interpreters and private detectives from Liubljana. The series of lectures and workshops on the urgent issues of Russian Information Law, the use of IT in Russian and International justice, and international cooperation in information relations were presented to the participants. ISU associate professors delivered several lectures as well.
Dr. Alexander Kolosov, associate professor in Law, presented the reports on Data Privacy, Copyright Protection in the Russian Federation, Combatting Cybercrime. The cases connected with the freedom of mass media, media companies' rights protection, personal data in the Russian Federation were the most interesting for the other participants.
Dr. Roman Zabavko gave the lectures using the real cases from his own practice. Especially a lot of questions to the speaker were asked after the Interaction Lecture “Criminal Responsibility for the CyberCrime and Crime against Property committed with the implementation of contemporary IT and telecommunication technologies”
Dr. Kolosov shared his impressions:
All of the activities took place in a friendly atmosphere. It was possible due to the student’s motivation and interest, high level of the organization and personal involvement of a well-known European Law Researcher, Professor Janez Kranjc. The Law Academy became the platform to exchange knowledge and opinions on the key issues of Information Law. 
The Academy turned out to be significant scientific event not only for the Partner Universities (Irkutsk and Liubljana), but for the Russian and Slovenian Expert Communities. In October 2021 the International Scientific Student Club is going to be established. ISU researchers are preparing the set of lectures and workshops on Russian Law for the students from Slovenia. At the end of 2021 the Slovenian lecturers will give an interactive course and master classes for the ISU Law Institute students on the contemporary legal vocabulary in English language.