Isu - News - 150 Million Rubles for the Development of a Unique Scientific Complex 150 Million Rubles for the Development of a Unique Scientific Complex
150 Million Rubles for the Development of a Unique Scientific Complex
13 July 2021

Irkutsk State University is to get 150 million rubles as a winner of the grant competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The project TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for Cosmic Ray Physics and Gamma Astronomy) belongs to Mega-Science projects; it is implemented by an international collaboration, with ISU playing a significant role. Under the grant, TAIGA will be the platform to conduct interdisciplinary fundamental and applied research at the forefront of modern science in collaboration with international scientific organizations.

Dr. Andrey Tanaev, Director of the Research Institute of Applied Physics, Irkutsk State University, noted that the implementation of the project in cooperation with Russian and foreign scientific organizations and universities would significantly improve the characteristics of the unique scientific complex. It will also contribute to the availability of infrastructure for research activities.