In the international ranking Round University Ranking 2021 Irkutsk State University took 44th place (among Russian universities) and became the only university in the Baikal region to be included in the prestigious ranking. Compared to last year, ISU has risen by 14 positions.
RUR is the first international ranking published annually established in Russia. Since 2010 the organizers of the ranking have been analyzing information on key indicators of more than thousand world's leading universities.
The significant growth of the indicator with the highest impact allowed the university to improve its position in the overall rankings - Irkutsk State University entered the TOP-20 Russian universities by the criteria of the quality of research work.
Konstantin Grigorichev, ISU Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation:
- Improving the position of ISU in the RUR ranking is very important for the university in terms of promotion in the domestic and international scientific and educational environment. It is important to emphasize the improvement of positions that results from the advance of research activities. Here, undoubtedly, the key role is played by teams and researchers working within the priority areas of development of ISU in the field of Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, and Archaeology.
This year, 867 universities from 74 countries of the world took part in the project. Russia is represented by 95 universities.
According to RUR, the best universities in the world are US universities: first place - Harvard University, second place - California Institute of Technology, third place - Stanford University. Lomonosov Moscow State University is in the first place among Russian universities, the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI is in the second place, and Tomsk State University is in the third place.