Vice Rector for Education, Dr. Alexey Vokin explains how the educational process will be organized in the coming academic year
A new academic year, as usual, will start on September 1st, but a form of studies will be hybrid: some days students will study online, in other days – offline.
- First of all, all laboratory classes postponed from last year will be held. Those classes that require special equipment, for example, at the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies, are impossible without powerful computers that are at the Institute, - Alexey Vokin explains.
Wearing medical masks is compulsory. Masks will be delivered to students by the University. If the student or lecturer has a confirmation of antibodies to the COVID-19, they can attend classes without masks by providing the certificate to the Dean’s office. Lecturers can deliver lectures without wearing masks.
All of the educational buildings are equipped with a special room where persons with the symptoms of COVID-19 will wait for an ambulance to come.
At the entrance to the buildings, there will be a mandatory "entrance filter" - thermometry twice a day with logging, the presence of antiseptic agents.
Classes and workshops will take place offline, if it requires special equipment or personal attendance in the class. It will be organized with a strict compliance of a social distance. The rest of classes and group lectures will be conducted in a distant form. All of the lecturers over the age of 65 have to deliver lectures online.