Isu - News - International Summer School in Law Studies “Irkutsk – Ljubljana 2020” International Summer School in Law Studies “Irkutsk – Ljubljana 2020”
International Summer School in Law Studies “Irkutsk – Ljubljana 2020”
4 August 2020

From June 29th till July 5th the International Summer School “Russian Law in the sphere of Emergency Situations and Medical and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” was held. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this scientific event took place on-line.

Dr. Alexander Kolosov (ISU, Russia) and Dr Janez Kranjc (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) became scientific supervisors of the School.

Dr. Kolosov presented his reports and lectures about modern Russian law in the field of emergency prevention. He highlighted the issues connected with legal regulation of the measures to eliminate the consequences of flood and wildfires, natural and industrial disasters and accidents as well as preventive activities for ensuring safe environment to public health.

School participants studied legal framework of medical and epidemiological welfare of the population, legal prohibitions and restrictions in an emergency, the specific mechanism of governing the territory where a state of emergency was declared, etc.

“Russian emergency legislation and medical and epidemiological welfare guarantees are the main legal conditions to implement the constitutional rights of citizens for health-care. The situation in the world made us rethink institutional and legal mechanisms, forms and methods for prevention and elimination of emergencies, environmental disasters and pandemics,” – Dr. Alexander Kolosov commented on.

The school ended with the discussion on the issues of international cooperation in the field of epidemics and emergencies control.

“Maintaining sustainable scientific and educational ties between our universities makes it possible to organize such summer schools. This school is the fifth that we have conducted together. We believed that pandemic would not become such a global problem and we would manage to hold our School offline. It is important to underline that International School in Law Studies “Irkutsk – Ljubljana 2020” has become a further step in scientific collaboration between Irkutsk State University and University of Ljubljana,” – Dr. Janez Kranjc noted.