Isu - News - Language and Culture Exchange Language and Culture Exchange
Language and Culture Exchange
8 July 2020

A series of on-line lectures dedicated to Language and Culture Issues at the ISU Institute of Economics and Linguistics finished last weekStudents of ISU Institute of Economics and Linguistics and students of Linguistics Institute of the Nanjing Normal University of Special Education took part in the event. They communicated in English and Chinese.

“Lectures were organized with the aim to upgrade students’ knowledge as well as to develop cooperation between universities. I would like to underline the high level of the organization of the courses and a good level of students knowledge in the field of languages and cultures as well,” – Mrs. Li Rui, lecturer of ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, noted.

At the opening ceremony of 3-day courses, Mrs. Xu Qiaoxian, director of Linguistics Institute of the Nanjing Normal University of Special Educationmentioned that events aimed to expand knowledge about Russia and China become an important framework for the strengthening of Sino-Russian collaborationProf. Oleg Arkhipkin, director of ISU Institute of Economics and Linguistics, in his turn, underlined that on-line lectures have to expand students’ knowledge in the sphere of linguistics and Oriental Studies as well as to push their motivation to continue studying Chinese language and culture.

Within the framework of this project, lecturers and professors of both universities presented their reports about the customs and cultural habits of indigenous peoples of Siberia as well as about cultural features of South and North part of China. The issues of Russian language and Chinese characters were also discussed.

Even though it was the first experience for us to hold on-line lectures in an international form, we tried to cover the most significant aspects of the language, literature, cultural features of Siberian region. Lectures were conducted in a form of live discussion: students shared their opinions actively and asked questions.” – Mrs. Lyudmila Vereschagina, lecturer of ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, commented on. 

The series of lectures became the first activity under the new Cooperation Agreement between Irkutsk State University and the Nanjing Normal University of Special Education.