Irkutsk State University is listed in the ranking published by the Round University Ranking (RUR) agency. ISU is the only university in Irkutsk region listed in the ranking.
In the world ranking “Natural Sciences” ISU is placed on 646th place and among Russian universities it takes the 46th place. In the world ranking “Engineering Sciences” ISU is placed on 640th place and among Russian universities it takes the 40th place. It should be noted that in the ranking “Engineering Sciences” Irkutsk State University overtook Russian Federal Universities such as North-Eastern Federal University, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, and North Caucasus Federal University.
RUR rankings are prepared in cooperation with the international company “Сlarivate Analytics”. The analysis of universities’ achevements is carried out according to 20 indicators - indicators of the university’s activity in four spheres: quality of teaching, quality of research, the level of internationalization, and the level of financial sustainability.