Isu - News - ISU Listed in UniRank ISU Listed in UniRank
ISU Listed in UniRank
18 February 2020

Irkutsk State University has improved its position in the ranking of the best universities in Russia compiled by the UniRank system and published in early February 2020. Among 373 Russian universities, ISU has moved up to 38th place (it was ranked in 56th place in 2019).

The ranking is based on an analysis of the web pages of accredited universities. UniRank data serve as a guide for foreign students and teachers in information search about the university’s status in the Internet.

The Irkutsk region in the ranking is represented by six universities: Irkutsk National Research Technical University (68th place), Irkutsk State Medical University (205), Baikal State University (236), Bratsk State University (275), and Angarsk State Technical University (360). The three leaders of the ranking are central universities: Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, and St. Petersburg State University.

The ranking algorithm is based on indicators such as site traffic and its stability, the number of links, unique visitors and pageviews of the university’s site from computers and mobile devices, and etc.