Isu - News - 25 Years of Cooperation with Liaoning University 25 Years of Cooperation with Liaoning University
25 Years of Cooperation with Liaoning University
9 August 2018

The first cooperation agreement with Liaoning University was signed in 1993, and it laid the foundation for the implementation of academic exchange programs. In 2007 the partnership reached a new level: the Center for Chinese language «Confucius Institute of ISU» was opened. An important area of cooperation with Liaoning University in the educational sphere is the implementation of double degree programs.

- Liaoning University is one of our key partners in China. Our partnership is developing year by year. In 2018 Irkutsk State University and Liaoning University established the joint research center. The purpose of the center is to develop research projects aimed at studying Russian-Chinese relations, - Konstantin Grigorichev, Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation emphasized.