Isu - News - ISU students have returned from Korea ISU students have returned from Korea
ISU students have returned from Korea
9 August 2016

Two groups of students of the ISU International Institute of Economics and Linguistics have come back from their study trip to the Republic of Korea where they have been improving their knowledge of Korean language in Pai Chai University (Daejeon) and Catholic Kwandong University (Gangneung). Academic exchange programs are held under the agreements on cooperation concluded by Irkutsk State University and partner-universities of the Republic of Korea.

Christina Ryumkina, ISU student, shares her impressions:
- We have had a really good opportunity to improve language skills. As soon as we arrived in Gangneung, we noticed that the city had been preparing for the Olympic Games: large-scale construction projects were launched almost everywhere. University’s International Center provided us with guidance and assistance. Therefore, our stay was convenient. We attended classes and managed to make a lot of new contacts with the students from China, Japan and Kazakhstan.